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Saturday, April 6, 2013

Mass Testing & Impersonal Results...

This article details how people involved with the Tulsa Dentist fiasco will be informed if they are found free of  HIV & Hepatitis.  Both are standardized letters, but the 1st takes into consider the patients last appointment with the dentist was before September, 2012 & that they will need no further testing regarding this matter.

The 2nd also states the tests came back negative, but since they're last appointment was later than September 2012, they will need further testing in the future.   This test will be repeated in 6 months.  That's 6 months of having to wait to know whether or not you are +.   Waiting to know whether this dentist infected you.  That will be hell.

Or course now that the word's out, if you get a phone call on the matter, it's fairly safe to assume you're + for at least 1 of those illnesses.  This just sucks.  Someone's out there that's never been at risk before now finds themselves waiting to find out if they have HIV because some damned dentist couldn't follow the rules.  This is why pain & suffering is taken into consideration during law suits.  This will be totally unnerving. 

Again, if it's proven the dentist did this, they should just shoot him.


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