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Friday, April 5, 2013

More Stigma...

This article details a man who was fired from his job for being +.  He's suing the company.  I'm sure his former employers will come up with something to say it wasn't because of HIV.  The article details  some of the man's experiences. 

The point here is people act like there's only stigma against HIV + & gay people in other nations.  That's total BS!  There's plenty right here in our own country.   This instance was in NYC.  It wasn't like it was in some backwoods, Deliverance-type hell-hole.

Discrimination against gay people & + people is doing quite well in the old US.  I wonder what will come of this matter.  In my state, nothing would be done about it.   Hopefully, New York is better at handling this than Oklahoma.


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