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Friday, April 19, 2013

@#!*% Van...

I'm seriously cussing the van right now.  It had been making weird stains on the drive, but they weren't oil.  Turns out the radiator is rapidly dying.  As we were headed out this morning, there was a puddle of green in front of the van.  

We were headed out to go shopping, but took the van to mechanic's 1st.  Glad we did.  It needs a need radiator.  The part won't get in until Monday & it's going to cost almost $400 US.  I hate this car.  Correction, I hate American cars.  Everyone I've ever had to deal with has screwed me over.

I've drove my Japanese cars & those with Japanese engines into the dirt. But my American cars have failed me every time.  So Detroit, you want me to buy an American car, not likely.  But, if you really, really want me to buy American made, then try making a car that isn't a piece of crap.

Luckily we can cover the bill, but we really didn't need to be blowing the $ on this.  No more Dodge, No more Ford, No more Chevy.  I'm done with those junkers.


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