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Thursday, April 18, 2013

What The...

I was just writing about it being too warm for my sake.  I spoke too soon.  The windows were open & a fan blowing when I went to bed.  I woke up cold.  The temperature had dropped & storms had rolled into the area.

We have the potential for some serious thunder storms today.   The lights are already flickering & the net is lagging.  This will have to quick today.

Oklahoma has been weird(er) lately.  The weather's been jumpy, even for us.  The plants aren't behaving normally.  To top it off, we're having earthquakes again.   Nothing big, but a lot of them.  Some of them up to the 3.0 range.  I think Oklahoma's trying to shake off Texas & drop it into the sea.  Great, we'll have ocean front property in Oklahoma.  I'd have to move, we couldn't afford the taxes after that.

I see a lot of wasp near my window.  I think they're trying to stay warm while they hunt.  As long as they aren't too near, wasps don't bother me.  They hunt spiders & other pests.  Most the spiders these types hunt are poisonous, so more power to the wasp.

There went a big light flicker, so I'd better get this done.


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