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Monday, April 29, 2013


It's supposed to get warm today, like into the upper 80's F.  I"m wondering if it will.  What will it be like this Summer, pleasant or hella-hot? 

My foot is acting up a bit today.  I'm curious if I slept on it wrong & it's just sore or something else.  I'm hoping it's not a warning of an upcoming flare-up of gout.

The old cat is weird today.  He didn't poo outside of his box today (yeah!).  Everyday he gets older & I know it's only a matter of time before he's no longer here with us.  To be honest, the way he's been looking, I'm surprised he still is.

A set of noisy neighbors moved out yesterday.  I'm sort of happy, but not.  Yeah, they we're loud, but the next set could be worse.  They could be louder, more religious, have more children, etc...  It's weird to see the place empty.

My roomie's car insurance bill arrived.  Luckily we have the funds to cover it. Still, I wonder what bill's coming next.

This pondering crap is tiring.   The problem is for the most part I can't control any of these things.  I wish I could, but I can't.  Here's hoping for some smooth waters for a while.  We could use them.


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