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Saturday, April 27, 2013

Don't Tell Me You're Safe...

This may seem a little off point, but it isn't.  Just got around to watching this week's episode of Grey's Anatomy,  Sleeping Monster (S09e21).  In the previous episode an intern was on the verge of being fired for spreading an infection to patients due to taking part in an operation while she was ill.  All signs pointed to this intern until Dr. Bailey had her go through her surgical notes.  As the story plays out, more cases of the infection emerge.  The intern was only present at 1 of the operations.  So, it wasn't her.

After studying the surgical notes, only 1 person was present at every surgery, Dr. Bailey, herself.  The board acts quickly & the CDC is called in, but still the other patients die from the infection.  Bailey is taken off of service & is repeatedly questioned about every detail of the surgeries.  

Bailey is carrying the MRSA bacterium & has contaminated these patients.  She was the cause.  However, it still shouldn't have happened.  The reason she was able to spread MRSA & probably how she, herself, was infected was by using a newer type of surgical gloves that were defective.  

Even though she did everything by the book.  Even though she scrubbed meticulously.  Even though she was caring, considerate & capable.  She still passed the bacterium that killed these people.  Was it her fault?  No, it wasn't.  It was due to faulty gloves.   Regardless, it won't  change the fact those patients are dead, she is infected & feels responsible for those deaths.

Grey's is just a TV show, but the metaphor is obvious.  I don't care how safe you think you play, you're not safe.  You aren't safe from HIV or any other STD.  You could make a mistake.  Your partner could be lying or ignorant.  The condom could be faulty.  In this day, there is only safer sex, not safe sex.  This is why education & testing are so important to deal with HIV.  Without prevention & testing measures there will be no end to the virus, no matter how careful people may be.


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