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Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Just A Dash More Stress Please...

Yesterday, wasn't pleasant.  My roomie was supposed to have a doctor's appointment, but it fell through.   She's not much better than I am about wanting to go to the doctor.  It was just a cancelled appointment, but we both have to psych ourselves up to go the doctor's.  Then after all the prep, it's rescheduled.  Which just makes things last longer.

I'm still waiting for my call from social services about my benefits renewal.  I have no idea how long I could be waiting.  I'm such a big fan of waiting.  

To top things off, the van had to throw a fit yesterday & act weird.  It's sitting at the mechanic's. Hopefully, it's just some sparks or something relatively small.  Thanks van, really needed that right now.  It seems that in all this mess, a half gallon of milk got left in the van.  We had to run back to mechanic's to get it out before it wound up spilled & spoiled.

Yep, it's been real fun here.


PS. It's dreary & raining, just for added gloom.

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