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Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Enough Sad Stories...

The tail end of 2012 was hard in my house.  Very little went right & a whole lot went very wrong.  I'd really hoped 2013 would hold better tidings.  So far, it hasn't.

There have been:
  • Repeated pharmacy issues
  • Doctor issues
  • Animal issues
  • Issues with plumbing
  • Issues with taxes
  • Continual issues with the house
  • Ongoing issues with the cars

All of this has left me very stressed.  I'm doing my best not to let it crush me, but some days that's very hard.  Even though for the moment, things seem under control, it doesn't matter.  Even if they are settled, I'm taxed, spent & exhausted even.

I'm doing my best to come up with better strategies to handle these matters & the anxiety that comes with them.  But, for some of them, I just don't see a way around being emotionally spent.  This constant drain is having an impact on my roomie & me.  Neither of us has been up to par.

Being this emotionally exhausted makes it difficult to sleep, concentrate or do much of anything.  This isn't good for either of our health.  Here's hoping Spring will be less taxing than this Winter was.  I need the rest.


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