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Saturday, February 23, 2013


I'm thankful for this morning.  It was the 1st morning in quite a bit, I not only had nothing actually required of me, but also nothing problematic popped up demanding my attention.  Mornings like this have a way of being rare.  

I am not a morning person.  Never have been & have no desire to be 1.  I really dislike mornings & if it wasn't for meds & things that need to get done, I wouldn't get up during the early A.M..  Only perky people really like mornings.   I don't like perky or chipper for that matter.

I'm fairly unforgiving of things that make me deal with them in the morning.   I'm so happy I don't have kids.  I probably would've strangled 1 of them in my sleep for disturbing me.  You will never win any favors with me by waking me up.

This morning was good.   There were no required errands or chores.  The cats didn't make any huge messes.  Somehow the internet worked.  Tomorrow morning will probably be screwed as hell, but for today, I'm thankful.


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