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Sunday, February 24, 2013

Everything Counts...

I've read many articles on health, wellness & weight management.  Most of them fail in regards of motivating people to actually get active.  Most suggest somewhere between 30 - 90 minutes of "actual" exercise daily. 

Nobody who isn't already exercising needs to start out with a goal of 30 minutes of exercise daily & certainly not 90.  Few, if any newbies to exercise will be able to or willing to participate in such a regimen.  Still, these hardcore exercise Nazis say it's a must & your breathing should like this & your heart rate like that.  Yada, yada, yada...

Some go as far as to discredit any exercise that isn't intense & for an extended period of time.   That's BS.  Moving, no matter how little it may be, will always be better for your health than staying sedentary.  This is the anti Depeche Mode moral, everything counts, even in small amounts.  

10 minutes of slow walking for someone weighing 200 pounds or about 90 KG will burn about 40 calories.  If you give up a can of soda a day that's around 150 calories (give or take a bit on the kind).  So, if a person just gave up a can a soda & slowly walked for 10 minutes daily, he would reduce his normal caloric intake by 190 calories a day.    That's over 1,300 calories in a week or 5,700 calories in a month.   If everything else stays the same, that would mean losing at least a pound a month.

Maybe in the next month that person can walk 10 more minutes or walk those same 10 faster.  Maybe that person decides to reduce more high caloric food stuffs from their diet.  All of these little modifications add up.  No one got fat overnight.  No one will get thin overnight either.  No one ate their way to being 200 pounds overweight in a month, so why would you think you could lose it that quickly?

My advice on this matter is simple.   Be aware & keep moving.  Know what your eating & drinking.  Keep moving & exercising.  Don't hurt yourself or make yourself take on some freaky diet.  Be patient, if you keep moving, you'll get there.


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