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Friday, August 12, 2011

Van's Back...

We took the van in to have the window looked at yesterday.  We had to go pick it up later that day & reschedule.  Apparently the motor for the window went out & no one in my area has one in stock.  The blasted thing has to ordered from the dealer.  $$$

It won't be in until at least next Monday.  At least they got the window to close & we don't have to keep plastic over it for now.  That means we can at least drive the van without fear of the plastic flying off into someone's windshield.  

It is still cooler, we might not hit a100 F today again, that'd be great.  I actually had to turn off my fans last night, because it got too chilly for them.  I'm really beginning to think our seasons are slipping earlier into the year.  The weather we are having now feels more like early Fall, instead of late Summer.

Hope everyone is doing well.


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