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Friday, August 26, 2011

Heat Yucks...

Not sure what else to call it, but the shifting heat & humidity have left me more ill feeling than usual this morning.  It's  getting better as the day wears on, but this morning was draining & draggy.  

I know it's an "all-the-above" situation, but that still doesn't help.  I realize it's the heat, the humidity, the allergy season setting in & much more.  But, I've had my fill of it.

This year of horrid weather has taken it's toll on me.  Well, not just on me.  It has affected the house, the animals, my roomie, the cars, everything...  I am sick of living on the Real Wild Weather Show.  Not sure how much more of this my area can handle before things really start to go to hell.

Hopefully things are better in your area.


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