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Sunday, August 14, 2011


Convenience is something you usually end up paying for, most often in more than one way.  When something is marketed as convenient, it usually means an alternative to something else.  That other thing is probably the genuine article while the convenient one is a knock-off  & poor choice we accept under certain circumstances.  Sometimes we choose the convenient option to save time or effort, but in the long run it usually costs us more $ & provides less satisfaction. 

I recently bought two of those microwave breakfast bowls & thought I'll have them for when we are in a hurry.  It'll be "convenient".  I made it yesterday & it was alright, but not good.  On top of that it was a bit pricey, over $2 a small bowl.  All it had in it was some chopped red potatoes, bacon & egg.  I added cheese & salsa when I served it.  So was out almost $5, some cheese, some salsa & about 10 minutes of preparation time for something that was just OK.

This morning I got up & began the recreation process from scratch.   I chopped some red potatoes  & tossed them with some seasoning. water & oil.  Then microwaved them for about 5 minutes.  I sliced some onion & ham.  I mixed up a few eggs with some salt & pepper.  I heated a skillet with just enough oil to cover the bottom.  I drained the potatoes on a paper towel & added them to the skillet.  I added the onions & ham & let everything brown for about 5 - 8 minutes.  I tossed all of that on a paper towel lined plate & drained most of the remaining oil from the skillet.   I began scrambling the eggs in the same skillet.   When they were about half cooked, added the potato mixture back in & finished cooking the eggs.  I put the cooked food into bowls & topped it with a little cheese & salsa.

Let's add this up:

  • 5 pound bag of red potatoes cost $2.99 & I used 4 small potatoes - .50¢
  • Red onion - cost 1.59/Pound - 1/8 onion - .25¢
  • Ham - cost 2.99 a pack of 16 slices - 3 slices - .60¢
  • Cheese - $2 a bag - 1/4 bag - .50¢
  • Oil $2.25 bottle - 1 - 2 Tablespoon - .15¢
  • Eggs - 1.68/dozen - 3 eggs - .45¢
  • Salsa - $1.50/ jar - 3 teaspoons - .10¢
  • Seasonings & paper towels -  .10¢
Total:  $2.65 & about 25 - 30 minutes of prep & cook time

I saved about half the $, spent  2 - 3 times longer on prep & got a much better tasting breakfast.  On top of that I have a lot of the ingredients remaining, so I can repeat the process again. I also know pretty much everything that went into the food I cooked. 

Is convenience stuff worth it?  Sometimes & for somethings, yes the convenient items are worth the cost.  But most of the time they aren't & just leave you feeling like you didn't get you $'s worth.


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