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Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Day Of Errands...

Today is for a lot of errands & miscellaneous odds & ins to get gone.

  1. Got the day started & got roomie up so she could go off to spend the day with her friend in Fort Smith.
  2. I called Geico to see if they had received my reply, they had not.
  3. I gassed up the Van.  It got horrible mileage, but we've had to run the AC non-stop, even while parked.
  4. Went shopping, something I'm reasonably good at.  I got a great buy on meat.  22 meals worth of meat (mostly steak, but a little pork & chicken) for $37.00.  That means meat for meals for under a $1.70/meal. Good for me.
  5. Checked mail & faxed the paperwork to Geico.
  6. Going to watch a movie. 
  7. Then take a shower.
  8. Having to research materials for a board to go under my roommate's mattress.  Not sure if it's coming from Home Depot or Lowes yet.  Also have to check on their vermin control products while I'm there.
  9. Then I pick up the roomie & come home.
  10. Past that, it's dinner & TV.
So that's my itinerary for the day.    If all goes well this will be fairly easy.


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