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Saturday, August 13, 2011

Hopefully Nearing The End...

This summer has been hard on my home.  Literally, it is has been hell on the house I live in due to all this heat.  Windows & doors are askew due to the high temperatures & low humidity.  Funny, you usually have to worry about the wood expanding.  Window seals are going to have to be fixed because the heat unset the adhesive & sealant.   Appliances, like the refrigerator, AC, fans & the like have been worked to death.  Much of the decorative planting in the yard has died off completely.  

Even with all of that though, we made it through.  The worse part was worrying about how to handle the problems as they arose.  On top of that, we felt stranded.  No one wanted to go out in the heat.  There was little to do but stay indoors in a house that was crumbling under the heat.  Luckily, the heat seems to be relenting somewhat.  

I guess one of the hardest things this Summer, is the things that got missed.  The heat killed off a lot of things to do & what it didn't curtail, the gas prices did.  My roomie's friend's son (what an intro) had to have his birthday party postponed because of the heat.   That may not sound so bad, but he's only in kindergarten & everyone else got to have their parties.   There were a lot of movies we might have gone to see at the drive-in if it hadn't been 95+ F outside while the movie was playing.   We decided to limit our travel even more on days it was over a 100 F, just in case something was to happen, we wouldn't be stuck on the side of the road waiting for AAA.   Maybe the worse of it was the fact my roommate, missed something important to her.

Her cousin in Colorado is getting married this weekend.  She won't be able to go.  The heat is still too intense  to make the trip.  That long of a trip in the van would've cost a fortune in gas & not to mention the possibility of something breaking on it while on the road.   Besides, who would want to be in a car that even with the AC cranked would've been hot for several hundred miles one-way?   

This Summer has taken it's toll on us.  I hope the heat is moving out now.  We could all use some cooler temperatures.


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