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Thursday, August 25, 2011

Seasonal Hell Is Heading Back...

Allergy season is upon us & is nearly to the point of driving me to take meds for it.  I am not a fan of these meds.  Oh, they work fairly well, but they also have their issues.  They leave me horribly dried out.  I feel like I have a constant case of cotton mouth & often develop nose bleeds from the over drying.  So, I limit myself to taking allergy meds only when the graph at shows that levels at high or red.

We had the heat & now were transitioning into lesser heat, but more humidity.  We have the stiffness & aches that come from trying to sleep in a very humid & overly warm room.  On top of that there are the allergies from the season.  We need some serious cool downs & a lot of rain.

As the season grows stronger, I'll invest in Vick's rub & inhalers.  Not to mention the wetting eye drops & the allergy eye drops.  There will allergy pills, rubs, inhalers, two kinds of eye drops, sounds like a party.  Woohoo for me

Hope the season treats you well.


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