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Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Seven Months Down...

Whoa, I made it this far. I am over halfway to a year of blogging.  I am still sort of impressed with myself for keeping to this, even if my latest posts have been a bit brief.  

Here we are in August & heading towards the three quarter mark of the year.  Schools will be starting soon & that will be hell on everyone.  The temperatures are high & I doubt the tempers will be much cooler.  

These last seven months haven't been the kindest.  We started off with a nasty winter of record cold temperatures & ice storms.  Then we headed into over a month of crazy rains, flooding & rampant tornadoes.  We jumped from that into a ridiculously hot June.  We have been over a 100 F, all but one day this summer.  For the past few days we have been over the 110 F mark & will be for a while longer.  Right now the lawn looks like a fire pit just waiting for a match.  The mailman comes as early as possible.  I don't even see the garbage men in the mornings, they come so early.  

Albeit, the year have not been as fun as it could have been, I am still happy that I have kept writing this blog & posting to Facebook.  This may be the first time I've ever kept an active New Year's resolution.  Usually, my resolutions are to have none.  

Have a great month


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