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Wednesday, August 17, 2011

It's Back, Again...

We are supposed to zip back over the 100F mark again today & for the next few days.  Oh yippee.  My part of the trash is out & I have food planned for the day, so I'm pretty much set.

I accomplished yesterday's list  fairly easily.  That was until I got to Lowe's to get the plywood I needed for my roommate's bed.  I found the wood easily & I was only in there about 20 minutes, but there was a hitch.  It was 95 F outside & really humid.  No problem right, I'm inside a store?  Hah, their AC was blown or not working well.  Every employee I met in the lumber area was dripping with sweat & looked like they were nearly dead.  Let's just say no one in that store smelled like a rose.

But it's done & today is plotted.  We take the van in tomorrow to get the window part installed.  So part of tomorrow is taken but the rest is still up for grabs.

We'll see what happens.


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