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Sunday, August 7, 2011

Reprieve, Take Two...

I am sure that we will breach the 100 F mark today, but for now we have some relief.  As of noon today we are only in the mid 90's.  It's still warm & somewhat muggy due to a light rain.  However, for now, we are under a 100.  WOOHOO!!!

The cats are partaking in some deep restful sleep.  The few birds are frolicking about & the bugs are chirping.  It's a good day so far.  If only for this bit on relief, I'm thankful.

To be honest, I slept much better last night & feel way better than I have in days.   I'm certain, I'll miss this in a bit, but for now I have some coolness.  Funny to think the 90's as being cool.


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