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Friday, August 19, 2011

Another Shopping Day...

It's supposed to be hot today, so we opted to get our errands done early.  We didn't have much to do, just get some groceries & check the mail.  With that done we're free to stay inside for the rest of  the day.

It's always nice knowing that you've finished your day's task.  More things may come up, but you at least know that you've already done everything that absolutely had to be done.  

Goals, at least realistic ones, are good for you.  Like tomorrow, I would like cook this, clean that & get started on project B or possibly finish project A.  Goals help us keep track of things & not get overwhelmed by the mountain of things that need our attention.   When a goal is accomplished, it should be acknowledged that you did what you set out to do before moving on to the next task.  We need recognition & sometimes we may be the only one's who give notice to what we have accomplished.  Sometimes we deserve the proverbial pat on the back, even if it does come from ourselves.

What did  you get done today?  Did you acknowledge it & yourself for accomplishing it?


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