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Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Here We Go...

Going to keep this short.  Today isn't going that well.  Trying to cool down the house.  I opened  the windows last, night.  There was no rain in the forecast.  However, at about 5:00 AM, the thunder & lightning began & the rain fell. I got up & closed the windows.   The moisture made the house humid & trapped in the heat.

To add to the woes of my over worked refrigerator.  The house never really cooled down & the moisture mounted.  Then at a little past 10:00 AM, the power went out.  This was just wonderful, a houseful of hot, humid air, with no fans to move it.  The power stayed off until just past noon.  The fridge is still trying to cool back down.

I have already had it with August.  


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