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Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Trying To Be Thankful...

Yesterday wasn't a good day for me, nor my roomie.   Her daily mostly got bombed by my bad day & the crap causing my day to disintegrate.   It started off with a pile of little straws that kept mounding up & threatening break the proverbial camel's back.  It was hot.  Then we made some discoveries throughout the day.

  1. Due to the heat, the fridge wasn't cooling as well as it should & might eventually have to be replaced.  There's a several hundred to a thousand $ we really don't have right now.
  2. We also noticed that the extreme heat is screwing with some of the cheap windows installed in this house. Again $ we don't have.
  3. Finally, I go out to close the van windows & one refuses to shut.   The kicker.  For the first time in forever, it is seriously forecast for a fair amount of rain.  Which it did.  Luckily we got plastic over it before the rain started.

My nerves were shot, way beyond frazzled.  So we've made some plans on the matters.

  1. If the fridge does need work, we'll see about it or buy a used one.
  2. This winter I will have to silicone the seals on the windows.
  3. We've called & made an appointment to get the window fixed.  At least we caught it before the rain started.
It's  hard to stay positive & I usually don't.  But, plans & the making of plans are about all we have right now.


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