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Monday, August 22, 2011

Now That Bites...

I was listening to my fav internet radio station a couple of days ago & it had reset to the main channel.  I was about to change it when I heard it playing some interesting cover songs.  I have a love-hate relationship with covers.  If you can't bring anything new to the party while still respecting the spirit of the original piece then leave it alone.

After a bit they began to play Slade's Cum On Feel The Noize being covered by Quiet Riot.   I was in college when this song came out of & my then roomie absolutely loved this song.  I pretty much hated it.  He always told me if I gave it a chance I'd like it.  I told him, fat chance.  Turns out he was right.  It played & I almost immediately skipped the song.  I got distracted & the song played & I have to say that I still don't like it, however there is a mighty big but coming.

This crappy, psuedo-metal song of the 80's absolutely kicked the ass of anything I have heard on mainstream radio in years.  This throw-away cover song was better than anything on the Top-40 for the last year.  It was a performance by a singer with a voice that had character & impact.  The song was ragged & rough.  The delivery wasn't over produced.  Most of all, it was never aimed at a bunch of damned tweens.  Compared to the crap on the radio today, Quiet Riot's cover was a freakin' masterpiece. This is all the more reason  for me to despise the tween pop music generation.   They Katy Perries, Kesha & Beibers made me appreciate Quiet Riot, damn them.


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