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Sunday, August 21, 2011


Again, I am apparently never happy.  I woke up this morning to a fairly nice breeze of cooler air coming in the window.  It was still in the 70's F. However, by the time I got around & fixed breakfast, my nice cool morning had turned into a swamp-fest.  The temperatures were barely in the 80's but so was the humidity, 80+ %.

Cool beats hot, by dry usually beats out wet.  I was doing nothing & I was drenched.  The alleged rain kept sputtering out little, pissy sprinkles from hell.  All this did was add to the moisture in the sticky air.  Setting between two fans on high & under a ceiling fan, I am still wet.  

It is supposed to get to 100 today.  If it does that with this humidity the heat index will be outrageous.   The only good thing about humidity during the Summer is that the AC works better.

Like I said, apparently I am never happy.


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