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Wednesday, August 31, 2011


The heat bubble crap is back & I'm none too happy about it.  It isn't supposed to last long this time or get nearly as hot.   Still, I just want rid of this boomeranging weather phenom.  

Heat bubble, let's make one thing perfectly clear, "NO ONE WANTS YOU HERE - GO AWAY".

It's really hard to focus on anything when you know the heat is coming.  At least one sorta good thing happened today.   My roomie took the car in to have the tires looked at because they were looking low.  Turns out one of them needs replacing.  An added expense, but at least we weren't changing a tire on the side of 100 F + degree blacktop, getting scalded every time we touched the road.

Oh well, to hell with the heat bubble.


Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Cooling Down A Bit...

It's still supposed to break 100 F today, but it was at least cool enough to get some housework done that I had been putting off until now.   The only issue today was the stickiness of the air. Hopefully Fall is really on its way.

I am not a fan of housework, but it has to get done.  It's a total pain in the ass when the house feels like it's a thousand degrees.  So, a lot of things got put off or done halfway.   The weather is allowing that to start changing.

I thought it was supposed to be Spring cleaning, not Fall.


Monday, August 29, 2011

Quick Post, Take Two...

Hy, I am good, Hope you are as well. Gotta be quick.  The net is flickering in & out again.  We had storms, hah, a thunderstorm killed our net again.  People on the east coast have internet after a hurricane & Suddenstink can't even handle a little thunderstorm.

I hate Suddenlink.

Oh well, I'd better wrap this up.  Catcha tomorrow, hopefully...


Sunday, August 28, 2011


I am really starting to believe that the heat is breaking.   The 10-day forecast only showed the next three days as being at or just over 100 F.  Past that it was in the 90's & often the lower 90's.  Right now 90 F would be 25 degrees lower than what it had been at the tail end of July's 115's.  It is seriously odd to think of 90 as cooler.

Not much to say, just trying to be thankful for the lessening heat.   I hope the heat hasn't killed off the trees so much they won't change colors this Autumn.  Can only wait & see,


Saturday, August 27, 2011

Wonderful Morning...

The weather was great this morning.  It's going to heat up throughout the day & we will most likely top a 100 F, but this morning it was wonderful.  It was the first time in months, I've need a sheet to block a slight chill in the night air.

I slept very well & that always makes a huge difference in my day.  It might heat up during the day, but with the overnight cool-downs, the heat can't get quite the grip on us that it had for months.  Hopefully summer is winding down.

We got our electric bill in & it was still a high usage month, but no where near as high as July had been.  At least there's that, it is cooling down.  Maybe September will be nice.


Friday, August 26, 2011

Heat Yucks...

Not sure what else to call it, but the shifting heat & humidity have left me more ill feeling than usual this morning.  It's  getting better as the day wears on, but this morning was draining & draggy.  

I know it's an "all-the-above" situation, but that still doesn't help.  I realize it's the heat, the humidity, the allergy season setting in & much more.  But, I've had my fill of it.

This year of horrid weather has taken it's toll on me.  Well, not just on me.  It has affected the house, the animals, my roomie, the cars, everything...  I am sick of living on the Real Wild Weather Show.  Not sure how much more of this my area can handle before things really start to go to hell.

Hopefully things are better in your area.


Thursday, August 25, 2011

Seasonal Hell Is Heading Back...

Allergy season is upon us & is nearly to the point of driving me to take meds for it.  I am not a fan of these meds.  Oh, they work fairly well, but they also have their issues.  They leave me horribly dried out.  I feel like I have a constant case of cotton mouth & often develop nose bleeds from the over drying.  So, I limit myself to taking allergy meds only when the graph at shows that levels at high or red.

We had the heat & now were transitioning into lesser heat, but more humidity.  We have the stiffness & aches that come from trying to sleep in a very humid & overly warm room.  On top of that there are the allergies from the season.  We need some serious cool downs & a lot of rain.

As the season grows stronger, I'll invest in Vick's rub & inhalers.  Not to mention the wetting eye drops & the allergy eye drops.  There will allergy pills, rubs, inhalers, two kinds of eye drops, sounds like a party.  Woohoo for me

Hope the season treats you well.


Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Today is trash day.  Well, tomorrow is really, but the garbage men come so blasted early, we put the trash out on Wednesdays.  Wednesday is a reasonably good day.  It's means most of the week's work is almost done.  The should be decent TV should be on.  The only real scheduled errand is to go shopping & that's about it.

Not much planned for today past taking out the trash.  I'll cook some & try not to get to hot as the temperature passes 100 F again.   Today is pretty much wrapped up besides the food & TV.

I hope Wednesday treats you well.


Tuesday, August 23, 2011

So Far, Not So Bad...

What we have here you see, is a little thing I like to call a "Heat Bubble".   This bubble will bring the heat.  It will linger for days on end & bring the heat in a bubble that won't move

What, you say, you've seen a heat bubble before?

Only four or five times this Summer?

Yes, my friends, we have ourselves yet another heat bubble.  Isn't that just freakin' fantastic?  Hopefully this will leave soon.

I really hate heat bubbles.


Monday, August 22, 2011

Now That Bites...

I was listening to my fav internet radio station a couple of days ago & it had reset to the main channel.  I was about to change it when I heard it playing some interesting cover songs.  I have a love-hate relationship with covers.  If you can't bring anything new to the party while still respecting the spirit of the original piece then leave it alone.

After a bit they began to play Slade's Cum On Feel The Noize being covered by Quiet Riot.   I was in college when this song came out of & my then roomie absolutely loved this song.  I pretty much hated it.  He always told me if I gave it a chance I'd like it.  I told him, fat chance.  Turns out he was right.  It played & I almost immediately skipped the song.  I got distracted & the song played & I have to say that I still don't like it, however there is a mighty big but coming.

This crappy, psuedo-metal song of the 80's absolutely kicked the ass of anything I have heard on mainstream radio in years.  This throw-away cover song was better than anything on the Top-40 for the last year.  It was a performance by a singer with a voice that had character & impact.  The song was ragged & rough.  The delivery wasn't over produced.  Most of all, it was never aimed at a bunch of damned tweens.  Compared to the crap on the radio today, Quiet Riot's cover was a freakin' masterpiece. This is all the more reason  for me to despise the tween pop music generation.   They Katy Perries, Kesha & Beibers made me appreciate Quiet Riot, damn them.


Sunday, August 21, 2011


Again, I am apparently never happy.  I woke up this morning to a fairly nice breeze of cooler air coming in the window.  It was still in the 70's F. However, by the time I got around & fixed breakfast, my nice cool morning had turned into a swamp-fest.  The temperatures were barely in the 80's but so was the humidity, 80+ %.

Cool beats hot, by dry usually beats out wet.  I was doing nothing & I was drenched.  The alleged rain kept sputtering out little, pissy sprinkles from hell.  All this did was add to the moisture in the sticky air.  Setting between two fans on high & under a ceiling fan, I am still wet.  

It is supposed to get to 100 today.  If it does that with this humidity the heat index will be outrageous.   The only good thing about humidity during the Summer is that the AC works better.

Like I said, apparently I am never happy.


Saturday, August 20, 2011


Yesterday it hit 109 F.  I thought the worst of this heat crap was over.  I was wrong.  Today we are supposed to hit at least 105.  This heat is killing killing my system & leaving me feeling queasy & heaving.   I hate the days when I am on such a friendly basis with the bathroom.

Nausea & diarrhea are two of the most common reactions to just about any medication, but especially ones meant for HIV.  Add to that the heat which on it's own can make you a gastrointestinal mess.  Then the fact that many meds can cause you to be sensitive to heat & light.  I am not a happy camper right now.

HIV sucks.  HIV in 100+ F temperatures is hell.


Friday, August 19, 2011

Another Shopping Day...

It's supposed to be hot today, so we opted to get our errands done early.  We didn't have much to do, just get some groceries & check the mail.  With that done we're free to stay inside for the rest of  the day.

It's always nice knowing that you've finished your day's task.  More things may come up, but you at least know that you've already done everything that absolutely had to be done.  

Goals, at least realistic ones, are good for you.  Like tomorrow, I would like cook this, clean that & get started on project B or possibly finish project A.  Goals help us keep track of things & not get overwhelmed by the mountain of things that need our attention.   When a goal is accomplished, it should be acknowledged that you did what you set out to do before moving on to the next task.  We need recognition & sometimes we may be the only one's who give notice to what we have accomplished.  Sometimes we deserve the proverbial pat on the back, even if it does come from ourselves.

What did  you get done today?  Did you acknowledge it & yourself for accomplishing it?


Thursday, August 18, 2011

Car Stuff Done...

My timing is thrown off today & I almost forgot to post.  The heat has returned & is still unwanted.   Currently we are near a very humid 100 F & are supposed to go way past that temperature for the next few days.

We dealt with car stuff early in the day & I have to say it was nice to get it all done before the heat set in on us.  The van windows work again & the car tags & title are also handled.  

Tonight is a heavy TV night.  Will have to get a couple of shows to watch later.  But, I'm sure there will some, "Make it work," moments.


Wednesday, August 17, 2011

It's Back, Again...

We are supposed to zip back over the 100F mark again today & for the next few days.  Oh yippee.  My part of the trash is out & I have food planned for the day, so I'm pretty much set.

I accomplished yesterday's list  fairly easily.  That was until I got to Lowe's to get the plywood I needed for my roommate's bed.  I found the wood easily & I was only in there about 20 minutes, but there was a hitch.  It was 95 F outside & really humid.  No problem right, I'm inside a store?  Hah, their AC was blown or not working well.  Every employee I met in the lumber area was dripping with sweat & looked like they were nearly dead.  Let's just say no one in that store smelled like a rose.

But it's done & today is plotted.  We take the van in tomorrow to get the window part installed.  So part of tomorrow is taken but the rest is still up for grabs.

We'll see what happens.


Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Day Of Errands...

Today is for a lot of errands & miscellaneous odds & ins to get gone.

  1. Got the day started & got roomie up so she could go off to spend the day with her friend in Fort Smith.
  2. I called Geico to see if they had received my reply, they had not.
  3. I gassed up the Van.  It got horrible mileage, but we've had to run the AC non-stop, even while parked.
  4. Went shopping, something I'm reasonably good at.  I got a great buy on meat.  22 meals worth of meat (mostly steak, but a little pork & chicken) for $37.00.  That means meat for meals for under a $1.70/meal. Good for me.
  5. Checked mail & faxed the paperwork to Geico.
  6. Going to watch a movie. 
  7. Then take a shower.
  8. Having to research materials for a board to go under my roommate's mattress.  Not sure if it's coming from Home Depot or Lowes yet.  Also have to check on their vermin control products while I'm there.
  9. Then I pick up the roomie & come home.
  10. Past that, it's dinner & TV.
So that's my itinerary for the day.    If all goes well this will be fairly easy.


Monday, August 15, 2011

Bad Forecast...

Apparently the heat is moving back to us.  Oh wonderful.  Hopefully it won't get as bad or last nearly as long.  I don't think me or the roomie could take it for that long again.  

Not having much to say today.   Went & did shopping.  The weather shifts are playing havoc on my body & making me feel less than 100%.

I think I'll call it quits for now & try to be thankful for the few cooler days we did have.


Sunday, August 14, 2011


Convenience is something you usually end up paying for, most often in more than one way.  When something is marketed as convenient, it usually means an alternative to something else.  That other thing is probably the genuine article while the convenient one is a knock-off  & poor choice we accept under certain circumstances.  Sometimes we choose the convenient option to save time or effort, but in the long run it usually costs us more $ & provides less satisfaction. 

I recently bought two of those microwave breakfast bowls & thought I'll have them for when we are in a hurry.  It'll be "convenient".  I made it yesterday & it was alright, but not good.  On top of that it was a bit pricey, over $2 a small bowl.  All it had in it was some chopped red potatoes, bacon & egg.  I added cheese & salsa when I served it.  So was out almost $5, some cheese, some salsa & about 10 minutes of preparation time for something that was just OK.

This morning I got up & began the recreation process from scratch.   I chopped some red potatoes  & tossed them with some seasoning. water & oil.  Then microwaved them for about 5 minutes.  I sliced some onion & ham.  I mixed up a few eggs with some salt & pepper.  I heated a skillet with just enough oil to cover the bottom.  I drained the potatoes on a paper towel & added them to the skillet.  I added the onions & ham & let everything brown for about 5 - 8 minutes.  I tossed all of that on a paper towel lined plate & drained most of the remaining oil from the skillet.   I began scrambling the eggs in the same skillet.   When they were about half cooked, added the potato mixture back in & finished cooking the eggs.  I put the cooked food into bowls & topped it with a little cheese & salsa.

Let's add this up:

  • 5 pound bag of red potatoes cost $2.99 & I used 4 small potatoes - .50¢
  • Red onion - cost 1.59/Pound - 1/8 onion - .25¢
  • Ham - cost 2.99 a pack of 16 slices - 3 slices - .60¢
  • Cheese - $2 a bag - 1/4 bag - .50¢
  • Oil $2.25 bottle - 1 - 2 Tablespoon - .15¢
  • Eggs - 1.68/dozen - 3 eggs - .45¢
  • Salsa - $1.50/ jar - 3 teaspoons - .10¢
  • Seasonings & paper towels -  .10¢
Total:  $2.65 & about 25 - 30 minutes of prep & cook time

I saved about half the $, spent  2 - 3 times longer on prep & got a much better tasting breakfast.  On top of that I have a lot of the ingredients remaining, so I can repeat the process again. I also know pretty much everything that went into the food I cooked. 

Is convenience stuff worth it?  Sometimes & for somethings, yes the convenient items are worth the cost.  But most of the time they aren't & just leave you feeling like you didn't get you $'s worth.


Saturday, August 13, 2011

Hopefully Nearing The End...

This summer has been hard on my home.  Literally, it is has been hell on the house I live in due to all this heat.  Windows & doors are askew due to the high temperatures & low humidity.  Funny, you usually have to worry about the wood expanding.  Window seals are going to have to be fixed because the heat unset the adhesive & sealant.   Appliances, like the refrigerator, AC, fans & the like have been worked to death.  Much of the decorative planting in the yard has died off completely.  

Even with all of that though, we made it through.  The worse part was worrying about how to handle the problems as they arose.  On top of that, we felt stranded.  No one wanted to go out in the heat.  There was little to do but stay indoors in a house that was crumbling under the heat.  Luckily, the heat seems to be relenting somewhat.  

I guess one of the hardest things this Summer, is the things that got missed.  The heat killed off a lot of things to do & what it didn't curtail, the gas prices did.  My roomie's friend's son (what an intro) had to have his birthday party postponed because of the heat.   That may not sound so bad, but he's only in kindergarten & everyone else got to have their parties.   There were a lot of movies we might have gone to see at the drive-in if it hadn't been 95+ F outside while the movie was playing.   We decided to limit our travel even more on days it was over a 100 F, just in case something was to happen, we wouldn't be stuck on the side of the road waiting for AAA.   Maybe the worse of it was the fact my roommate, missed something important to her.

Her cousin in Colorado is getting married this weekend.  She won't be able to go.  The heat is still too intense  to make the trip.  That long of a trip in the van would've cost a fortune in gas & not to mention the possibility of something breaking on it while on the road.   Besides, who would want to be in a car that even with the AC cranked would've been hot for several hundred miles one-way?   

This Summer has taken it's toll on us.  I hope the heat is moving out now.  We could all use some cooler temperatures.


Friday, August 12, 2011

Van's Back...

We took the van in to have the window looked at yesterday.  We had to go pick it up later that day & reschedule.  Apparently the motor for the window went out & no one in my area has one in stock.  The blasted thing has to ordered from the dealer.  $$$

It won't be in until at least next Monday.  At least they got the window to close & we don't have to keep plastic over it for now.  That means we can at least drive the van without fear of the plastic flying off into someone's windshield.  

It is still cooler, we might not hit a100 F today again, that'd be great.  I actually had to turn off my fans last night, because it got too chilly for them.  I'm really beginning to think our seasons are slipping earlier into the year.  The weather we are having now feels more like early Fall, instead of late Summer.

Hope everyone is doing well.


Thursday, August 11, 2011


For the first time in months, I woke up & it was under 80 F.  I was beginning to think the heat would never end. It may not have ended completely but it certainly has taken a serious break.  We've had a bit of rain & are expecting more.  We need it!

I felt better this morning than I have in weeks.  It is amazing what a good night's sleep can really do for you.  I was cool, but even better, I was dry.  

It's thundering outside & it's very probable that my power will pop out again.  So I will keep this short.  I am very thankful for the break in the weather.  I hope every one else is having pleasant weather as well.


Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Here We Go...

Going to keep this short.  Today isn't going that well.  Trying to cool down the house.  I opened  the windows last, night.  There was no rain in the forecast.  However, at about 5:00 AM, the thunder & lightning began & the rain fell. I got up & closed the windows.   The moisture made the house humid & trapped in the heat.

To add to the woes of my over worked refrigerator.  The house never really cooled down & the moisture mounted.  Then at a little past 10:00 AM, the power went out.  This was just wonderful, a houseful of hot, humid air, with no fans to move it.  The power stayed off until just past noon.  The fridge is still trying to cool back down.

I have already had it with August.  


Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Trying To Be Thankful...

Yesterday wasn't a good day for me, nor my roomie.   Her daily mostly got bombed by my bad day & the crap causing my day to disintegrate.   It started off with a pile of little straws that kept mounding up & threatening break the proverbial camel's back.  It was hot.  Then we made some discoveries throughout the day.

  1. Due to the heat, the fridge wasn't cooling as well as it should & might eventually have to be replaced.  There's a several hundred to a thousand $ we really don't have right now.
  2. We also noticed that the extreme heat is screwing with some of the cheap windows installed in this house. Again $ we don't have.
  3. Finally, I go out to close the van windows & one refuses to shut.   The kicker.  For the first time in forever, it is seriously forecast for a fair amount of rain.  Which it did.  Luckily we got plastic over it before the rain started.

My nerves were shot, way beyond frazzled.  So we've made some plans on the matters.

  1. If the fridge does need work, we'll see about it or buy a used one.
  2. This winter I will have to silicone the seals on the windows.
  3. We've called & made an appointment to get the window fixed.  At least we caught it before the rain started.
It's  hard to stay positive & I usually don't.  But, plans & the making of plans are about all we have right now.


Monday, August 8, 2011

Out Of The Kitchen...

I am taking an old adage to heart.  I can't take the heat.  Yesterday was a nicer day, we didn't hit 100F until about mid afternoon.  Today on the other hand, that temperature was here before noon.  The house is shut down again & the AC is running.  Still, it's hot outside & in the kitchen.

I'll leave you with a couple of videos of what I'd like:  

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Reprieve, Take Two...

I am sure that we will breach the 100 F mark today, but for now we have some relief.  As of noon today we are only in the mid 90's.  It's still warm & somewhat muggy due to a light rain.  However, for now, we are under a 100.  WOOHOO!!!

The cats are partaking in some deep restful sleep.  The few birds are frolicking about & the bugs are chirping.  It's a good day so far.  If only for this bit on relief, I'm thankful.

To be honest, I slept much better last night & feel way better than I have in days.   I'm certain, I'll miss this in a bit, but for now I have some coolness.  Funny to think the 90's as being cool.


Saturday, August 6, 2011

I Love Lucy...

Today would've been the 100th birthday of probably my all time favorite television personality & comedienne, Lucille Ball.  Her shows were great breaks in dreary & difficult times in my childhood.  They served as welcome diversions later on in my life.  There has not been & they're will never be another Lucy.  Many have imitated her, but none have succeeded.    She was one of the greats that shaped comediennes for generations to come.  So yes, I love Lucy.

Hope you enjoyed.  Here's to Lucy...


Friday, August 5, 2011


We got a small reprieve from the super heat yesterday.  It actually dropped into the 90's F by 9:00 PM.   It was a nice lower temperature, but because of the drop, the humidity reared up & made things sticky again.  Still it was somewhat easier to sleep last night.

I'm still fairly worn out & don't feel like doing much of anything.  We did manage to go shopping, but that's the limit of the trips.  It's very difficult to find motivation or inspiration when the temperature is going back up over 110 today. 

Hopefully this hell streak will end soon.


Thursday, August 4, 2011

Being Neighborly...

My yard is sun bleached & scorched.  The weatherman announced yesterday, that my area set the heat record for the day with 115 F & broke a record set in the 1930's.  He said that we were the hottest place in the USA according to national temperatures near the noon hour.  We were hotter than the freaking Mojave Desert.  Why the hell is SE Oklahoma & the adjoining river valley section of Arkansas so damned hot?

My flowers are long gone, the trees are yellowing & grass is mostly a distant memory.  We have a few stubborn clumps clinging to life in the shady niches of the yard.  The neighbors' well planned gardens are dried up & dusty, even after faithful watering.  About the only thing growing in my area is a patch of mint between the driveway & the house.

Normally, I don't let it get anywhere near as big as it is at this point.  I usually cut it back & tie it into bunches to drive off ants.    I didn't do that this year.  When I thought about doing it, the mint was covered in small bugs, flies & bumble bees.   I soon noticed birds & other little critters eating near the mint.  The mint was providing food & some shade for this little ecosystem.  If I had cut it down, the bees & all the others thriving off the mint most likely would've died.  

The mint is now huge & bothersome.  But it is all these animals have in the area to eat.  It's like watching one of those animal shows about a water hole in Africa during the dry season.   The bees & flies come to eat off the mint.  All the while, the spiders & birds wait to strike.

The mint is in the way & the bugs are a nuisance.   I could just give in & cut it back.  However, that'd be rude & not very neighborly. 


Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Seven Months Down...

Whoa, I made it this far. I am over halfway to a year of blogging.  I am still sort of impressed with myself for keeping to this, even if my latest posts have been a bit brief.  

Here we are in August & heading towards the three quarter mark of the year.  Schools will be starting soon & that will be hell on everyone.  The temperatures are high & I doubt the tempers will be much cooler.  

These last seven months haven't been the kindest.  We started off with a nasty winter of record cold temperatures & ice storms.  Then we headed into over a month of crazy rains, flooding & rampant tornadoes.  We jumped from that into a ridiculously hot June.  We have been over a 100 F, all but one day this summer.  For the past few days we have been over the 110 F mark & will be for a while longer.  Right now the lawn looks like a fire pit just waiting for a match.  The mailman comes as early as possible.  I don't even see the garbage men in the mornings, they come so early.  

Albeit, the year have not been as fun as it could have been, I am still happy that I have kept writing this blog & posting to Facebook.  This may be the first time I've ever kept an active New Year's resolution.  Usually, my resolutions are to have none.  

Have a great month


Tuesday, August 2, 2011

August, You Suck...You Really Suck...

It is already 110 F before noon, it could very well get to 115 or higher.  My meds are really causing me some grief with this heat.  My roomie & I had to come to a new conclusion today.  

If it is over 105 F, unless it is in town or absolutely necessary, we will not be driving.  The AC in the car can not keep up with this heat.   We could not deal with a break down in this heat.  We have AAA, but we'd have to wait any where from 15 minutes to an hour or more for them to arrive & that just isn't feasible for either of us.

Yet another thing that is limiting are ability to get out of the house.  Just wonderful.  At least we can keep the house reasonably tolerable, which is more than what we could say for the car if it broke down on the side of the road.

It sucks when you have to acknowledge & accept limitations in your life.  But better to recognize them beforehand than after.  If you have health issues & you know something like the heat exacerbates them, then it's better to accept it & make alternate plans. 


Monday, August 1, 2011

Come On August, 110, Really...

To paraphrase the Beatles, I heard the news today & said WTF.  The weatherman forecasted that it would  get to 110 F in my area.  That's bad enough, but the weathermen in my area usually shoot low by a few degrees.  Either way today will be hellish.

We hit 100 F before noon & there doesn't seem to be relief in sight.  I have no intention of going out unless I absolutely have to.  The AC will be lucky to keep it near 90 F.  There's only so much it can do.

I sincerely hope that it is cooler wherever you may happen to be.

Be careful out there, this heat can be deadly.
