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Saturday, September 8, 2018

Sore Feet & No Rain...

Yesterday was tiring & frustrating.  I dealt with yard stuff because it was supposed to rain.  Of course, not a drop fell.  At least the yard stuff is handled.  Then we went shopping.  

Walmart shuffled 80% of the grocery side so it makes no sense at all.  Even the employees didn't know where things were now located.  The rest will be moved in the upcoming weeks, including frozen.  

I hate remods.  All they accomplish, is irritation.   I've never seen more angry, vexed shoppers in a store.  There were lots of irritated, loud people with short fuses at Walmart yesterday.  I had to circle the store several times to finish my shopping.

My feet were tired & swollen.  It never rained.  It stayed humid & hellish all day.  I'm glad we have no plans for today.  My feet couldn't handle it.


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