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Monday, September 17, 2018

Sluggish Again...

This week is the last hurrah of Summer, Solstice is in less than a week.  Fall is here as far as the weathermen are concerned & after this week, Summer 2018 will be a memory.  The temps are back in the 90's for a bit.  Maybe the grass will die off.  

It's weird to feel the seasons change.  To sense how oddly desperate the light seems as it tries to fill up the world for as long as possible before heading off elsewhere.  The closing of this season is bringing me down a bit.  I hope this Fall & Winter aren't too dismal.

The article well seems to have dried up again.  There appears to be lots out there, but not really.  Most amount to nothingness, speculation or rehash.  Not very useful.  Hopefully, this dry spell will be brief.


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