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Saturday, September 29, 2018

Rare Transmision...

I saw this topic yesterday, but I was hoping they'd add more to it before I posted.  They haven't, so I'll post now.  There's been a report of a rare father-to-son, non-sexual transmission of HIV.   I'm not going to post many details, so read the article.  

Besides HIV, the father was being treated for 2 other illnesses that both caused him to have skin lesions.  These sores were oozing & he handled his infant.  He never thought he could transfer HIV that way.  However, he had chickenpox, which would've spread that way.  This was a case comorbidity in the father that led to the child's infection.  

I'm not going to judge the father's actions.  I don't know the details.  It could've been utterly necessary for him to touch the child.  It wouldn't have taken much to transmit chickenpox.   

My concern here is that people will think you can get HIV from just touching.   You can't.  This man had open sores, that were oozing infection & other bodily fluids.  He was also suspected to be at HIV's most virulent stage & the chance of transmission was high.  While any bodily fluid can transmit the virus.  Most don't have a high enough concentration to cause concern.  However combine bodily fluids with open sores/cuts or other contangions & you may have a problem. 

Be careful & take care.


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