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Sunday, September 16, 2018


Just to compound on yesterday's topic of the need for more HIV awareness.  When you Google HIV, your top topics vary slightly, but most often you get questions like:
  • What is HIV?
  • Is HIV a gay disease?
  • Can I get HIV from kissing, holding hands, etc..?
  • Will I have HIV forever?
These exact top items change between queries, but the gist stays the same.  There is an astounding level of ignorance regarding HIV.    These are all things people should've known about the virus decades ago, but still don't.

Makes you question why HIV awareness is such a low priority.  Doesn't it?  Maybe some groups would rather have you ignorant enough to contract HIV so you can buy their medications.   That may be a cynical mindset.  But it's been over 30 years & a lot of people still don't know the very basics about this disease.

Take care.


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