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Monday, June 26, 2017

Summer Showers

Among the many things I'm not fond of about Summer is what it does to my showers.  I suppose I should say what  it does post-shower.  Summertime makes even the easiest thing more tedious.  Such as drying after a shower.  The seasonal humidity makes it almost impossible to dry off fast enough not to start a chain reaction of sweat that pours like a river off of your body. So much for that shower.

I have to get my shower business handled, towel off & get to my room fast.  There I turn on a big fan & stand there until it completely air dries me.   Even then, it's not certain I'll stop the post shower sweats.   If you're going to survive Summer, you have to stay as dry as possible.  If not, you're going to miserable.  The only time you should be wet is when you're in the water.

Yet another aggravation of Summer.  Hey at least it seems to be knocking  back the fleas.


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