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Thursday, June 22, 2017


Well damn, I knew this coming, but I've had enough with changes this year.  Technically, my telemedicine appointment went fine.  It was nice to have the bus back & not have to drive to Tulsa for a 10 minute meeting.  I even got Dr Stephens back as a pharmacist for telemedicine.  Yet, something had to be a fly in the ointment.

Didanosine is one of my medications, also know by the brand name Videx.  Well, it's being phased out. this letter shows that.  It's already gone in some parts of the world.  I, was my doctor's last patient on the med.  They've also heard another 1 of my meds may soon be discontinued, Invirase.   So, I'm being put on another med, Triumeq.  I had the test for it several months back, just in case something like this happened.  

I can't tell you I'm not nervous about this.  I've only changed meds twice in 17 years.  The 1st time because AZT nearly killed me & the 2nd, because they stopped making Fortovase.  I've been on this regimen for about a decade. 

Still there are some benefits.  It will be 1 pill & 1 HIV medication instead of 8 pills of 4 different meds.  It used to be a lot more.  I was taking 18 horse-pill sized Fortovase daily, plus all the other meds.   Hopefully, this will work out for the best.  If not, we'll have to try other options.

Sometimes, I really hate change.


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