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Tuesday, June 20, 2017

It's Official...

Move on out of here Spring.  I've been saying that for weeks.  Spring was beyond unpleasant this year.  I barely enjoyed the things that normally make me smile, like the little blue flowers in our yard early in the season.   

Now, it's official, Summer is here.  Hopefully, it won't blaze.  Still, I'm ready to be past spring.  So, Hello Summer, welcome back.

I didn't mention it earlier, but this last Sunday was the month anniversary of Rowan's passing.  It's been absurdly quiet & low key here since.   We still talk about her every day.  I still catch myself going to do things for her.  Unfortunately, eventually that will fade.  It angers me, but it will.   

There are 2 cats on the porch occasionally.  Hazel, formally known as Meth Kitty & a dumb, orange, boy cat.   Do orange males come in any other variety, other than dumb or grumpy?  I think Hazel may be expecting.  I'm not in the place to deal with more than porch cats.  They can come  go as they please.  But, I'm not capable of being more committed than that at the moment.  That probably sounds awful.

The mockingbirds are back in full force.  1 comes to my window to gripe at about the cats.  A female cardinal keeps flying around the porch trying to catch wasps.  She's not graceful.

That's my life now.  In between shopping, errands & doctors' appointments, I watch noisy birds, stray cats & various other little things in the yard, like lightning bugs & lizards.  It could be worse.


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