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Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Summer Is Here...

No faeries have danced in the moonlight to welcome the season yet, still Summer is here.  Puck & his ilk missed the beat this year.  Yesterday was & the foreseeable future will be hot.  I'm just hoping the humidity dies down some.  A dry 95 is far preferable to a humid 87.  

As we venture into Summer, it's apparent our yard is full of volunteers.  We have morning glories, petunias & even an elephant ear plant no one planted.  At least no one with 2 legs.  I think petunia seeds rode over in cat fur.  I have to work to keep the runners from the rose of sharon bushes & crepe myrtles from taking over.  If the house were abandoned, in a decade this yard would be full of nothing but crepes, rose of sharon, wild roses, winter berry bushes, petunias, morning glories & the ever persistent creeper.  It's be a jungle in no time.

The brown outdoor cat took a trip inside yesterday.  It didn't last long, but it's a start.  I think she was hiding from mockingbirds.  Tinkerbell was none too happy to see her.

That's about it for now.  Until tomorrow.


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