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Sunday, June 25, 2017


Somewhere in the next 4 to 5 days, I'll leave behind a regimen I've been on for over a decade. For the most part this is an alteration of my original regimen minus AZT.   It's really weird & disconcerting.  I've been doing this forever  then I won't.   I've been facing that a lot lately.

  • I talked almost daily to the lady at the mailbox place, now I don't
  • I dealt with 2 aging cats for 17 years, now I don't
  • I altered my behavior/routine for those cats & now I don't
  • I went to my previous dentist for years & now I don't
  • I took these meds for over 10+ years & now I won't
A lot of other things have left, but they seem trivial on their own; some restaurants we no longer go to, TV shows we'd watched for years that we no longer do, etc...  My anchors, my routines have been constantly slipping away this last year or so.  We don't even have the little, white car anymore.   Sometimes, it doesn't really feel like this is my life.  I'm not sure whose it is, but I have a hard time relating.

Maybe I'm being a little over dramatic.   But, some of this feels so odd, sometimes alien.  I'll get used to the new meds, I hope.  But, still, it was another forced step I wasn't really ready to take. 


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