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Saturday, June 3, 2017

Start Of The Month...

I searched the articles & found few newish pieces.  Most dealt with the stigma of HIV.  I've covered this a lot.

It's the 1st of the month & bills are getting handled.  Unfortunately, that means dealing with lines of annoying people.   But, at least it's underway.

The shrubs in the yard are starting the 2nd round of blooming.  The  Rose of Sharon bushes are starting to bloom.  The crepes won't be far behind.  Most people's are already underway.  The magnolia's are blooming.   All these blooms mean the hummingbirds should be here soon.  Then the dragonflies.  My 2 favorite summer fliers.

We're still being dodgy in the weather department.  Not quite raining. Refusing to move on & let the sun shine.

That's it for now.


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