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Thursday, June 29, 2017

It's Here...

My new med, Triumeq  arrived yesterday.   I took the 1st pill today.  So far, so good.  My new regimen will have my thyroid pill 1st thing in the morning.  About 10 - 11 AM, I'll take the Triumeq.   Later in the day, I'll take my vitamins & supplements.  I don't like to crowd the supplements with other pills, they can be rough on the stomach.  Also, anything with iron or calcium in it needs to be taken with some time between them & the Triumeq.

This is the site for Triumeq.  It has quite a bit of info on it.  This medication doesn't need a buffer like I was taking with my Invirase.   It can be taken with or without food,  It's a once daily pill, that can be taken at any time.  As you can see above, it's a bit of a horse pill, but not too bad.  I am sort of concerned with card that came with it to carry, pictured below.  But at least it's fair warning.

OK, it's here & I'm on a new regimen.  Here's hoping all goes well.   BTW, I finally saw a new little visitor in the backyard.  The 1st this year.  A tiny, little, black dragonfly on the clothesline.  The dragons are back.

More tomorrow.


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