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Saturday, June 10, 2017


I've discussed drugs & their relationship to HIV.    In this case, IV opiod use & Truvada.  Not necessarily together.   I've mentioned the growing number of HIV cases in rural US & how it's being caused mostly by IV opiod usage.   I've also made my feelings about Truvada or PrEP clear.

This article is 1 of many detailing the FDA's decision to recall the Endo's opiod Opana ER. Too many people are it as an IV street drug.  Increasing HIV cases & deaths via overdose.

This article discusses how the FDA cleared the path for generic  Truvada. This doesn't do anything about my arguments against PrEP, but it does alter things.  This could mean more people could afford the drug. That doesn't come without complications.  It also means the Gilead's pocket book will be hit hard.  Then again this won't go the market for a year or so & Gilead is already pushing the next big thing in PrEP.

Interesting developments.


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