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Tuesday, June 13, 2017


Mornings aren't as dreadful as they used to be.  Before I started my thyroid med & still had the other 2 cats, the AM was a stressful time for me.  I never knew what level of mess the cats would cause overnight.  Tinkerbell isn't much of a mess maker.  She doesn't bring near the chaos that Rhiannon & Rowan did.  

Before the thyroid meds, I was much more prone to wake up with a lot of anxiety.  It wasn't a full-on panic, but it was very unpleasant &  interfered with my sleep.  Moments like that are very taxing.

Mornings aren't all sunshine & happiness for me now.  I still have early hour anxiety at times.  It's just not as intense.   Then, when I notice there's no mess to clean, I have to remember why.

I have to be on a thyroid medication & we've had 2 cats leave our lives.  Those things suck, but I'm trying to look at the good of it all.   Our cats are no longer ill & at least there is a medication for me to take,  

I have to head in a bit, this is it for now.


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