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Friday, June 30, 2017

Cya June...

It's the last day of June.  It wasn't a bad month, but it certainly was stress-free either.  So long June, I'm  sure you've got places to be.

It's day 2 of Triumeq.  I'm not dead or dying yet.  Hopefully, that'll hold.

We had a decent downpour this morning.  We needed the rain.   

I've noticed some new birds in our trees.  They look like a leaner, grayer cardinals.  It had less of head crest & a slightly longer tail.  I looked it up.  I think it's a desert cardinal.  I suppose it could've been a hybrid between a desert & northern (normal) cardinal.   They're fairly attractive birds.  

I saw my 1st hummingbird this morning as well.  The Hummers & Dragons are back.  Summer is here.


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