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Thursday, March 23, 2017

Yet Again...

I've been dealing with rough allergies a lately. I've been around a lot of sick people at the store.  I had a small flare-up of gout yesterday.  My schedule was abruptly altered to accept an earlier dental appointment for a new crown.   Somewhere in the midst of all that & the drive over & back, I got seriously sick.  

Shortly after we got home, I was going down.  It got worse through the night.  I feels like a light weight flu, minus the vomiting.   The dentist used anesthesia I hadn't had before.  It could've been a reaction.  It could've been any  or all of that stuff I listed.  I was in bed way early & woke up fairly late.  I had chills & hot spells all night.

I'm tired & achy.  My throat is sore & my head's a bit woozy.  This is all I've got for now.  Maybe I'll feel better tomorrow.


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