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Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Still Adjusting...

Seems like everything is still adjusting to a lot.  The weather is still trying to get used to the idea of Spring, so it's chilly out.   We're still adjusting to the political fall-out of the election, people are all over the place on this 1.  Adjustments take time.

I'm still not fully adjusted to the return of this Daylight Saving Time B.S.  It takes a while to adapt to that lost hour & the changes in light.  It'll happen, probably not soon though.

We're still adjusting to not having Rhiannon in the house.  After 17 years, her absence is felt.  I still look for her & sometimes think about needing to check on her.   We will get used to it & I sort of hate that.  I hate that we adjust to things leaving our lives like we do.  I know it's what we have to do to move on, but still it sucks.  

Oh well, still a lot of adjusting to do.


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