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Sunday, March 26, 2017

Not Better...

This is the sickest I've been in quite a while..  I'm not sleeping & I feel horrible. I'm probably going to have to go to the doctor's this week.  I need to get over this crap.

My roomie is doing an overnighter with a friend.  I"m happy she's getting to something, besides watch me be ill.  Probably tired of hearing me cough & wheeze.

I managed to just enough food to take my meds.   I haven't been this repulsed by food since before I was diagnosed.  Absolutely everything sound/tastes gross, even chocolate.  I could stand to lose some weight but I have to take meds, so I have to eat something.

I hate the idea of going to the doctor over this, but it's not getting any better,  It actually seems to be getting worse.  I hate being sick.


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