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Saturday, March 11, 2017

More Chilly Drear...

It's back to being dismal & cold.  There's a big chance of rain today.  It looks like the overnight temps will be in the 30's until Wednesday & then by the weekend we could see an afternoon at 80.  Just yippie. 

A while back we got a shake from a drive-in & it did me in.  About an hour later, I was exhausted, achy & slightly feverish.  I though I'd get hit with a huge dose of MSG.   I decided not to get ice cream from that place again.  It happened again yesterday from a different restaurant.  Again, not quite an hour later & I'm going down. I'm exhausted, feverish & achy.   I still feel off this morning,  Again, I suspected MSG.

This morning I looked at the ingredient lists of the 2 places ice creams.  Neither contained MSG, but did have Tetrasodium Pyrophosphate.  It's pretty common in tooth paste, but you don't swallow that.   I had to look at other sites to find out about it.   I found this site, that lists some reactions to this chemical also known as TSPP.   Some people react immediately & can have gastric issues, sinus problems & hives.  People with delayed reactions seem to have symptoms more aligned with those I experienced.

Great something else to avoid.  I'd never even heard of TSPP being used in foodstuffs.  At least I have a possible answer for my reaction to these places shakes.


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