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Friday, March 3, 2017

March Sucks...

I'm sorry, but this will be another short post.   My internet has been out for over 17 hours & I have no idea how long it will be up or if it will go back down.  I'm just getting caught up on as much as I can before anything happens to the net again.

March is seriously sucking.  On the 1st, we had storms that left us without power for about 18 hours.  The next day I had my dentist appointment & they told me I'd be needing another crown & filling.  2 of my back teeth have cracks.  Probably due to some of my earlier meds, the chewable Videx.  Those things were awful on teeth.  There goes a lot of $.  Later that day & into today, the internet was out.  

So far, March sucks.

Hope you're doing well.


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