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Saturday, March 4, 2017

So Far, So Good...

There hasn't been anything bad happen yet today.  Mind you, there's still time.  We'll probably be hit by a deluge caused by a freak tsunami that sent huge waves up the waterways.   Or, maybe it'll be a asteroid.  

No, so far, the internet is working, the power is on, the water seems to be working right, no broken teeth... Nothing has happened to darkened this day, except for my remaining stress from the previous days.  Actually,  it seems like a fairly nice day so far.  I hope it holds.

We got most of the bills handled yesterday.  There was shopping & then home stewing over the net.  Luckily, it got fixed.

I forgot to write about this earlier.  I called my specialist in Tulsa.  They still aren't certain about telemedicine.  I have call back towards the end of the month.

I'll try to be in better spirits tomorrow.


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