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Sunday, March 5, 2017

A Whole Day...

I'm amazed, yesterday was the 1st day of the month that wasn't craptastic.  It was actually a nice day.  Today is looking to be the same.  I'm almost a afraid to write anything else for fear of jinxing it. 

We went shopping & other than being busy, it wasn't too bad.  It was a little tiring.   But, we're home now & I'm set for the day.

For those not chronically ill, it can be difficult to appreciate what the stress of such days  can do to a person.  The power outage & internet outage, just made my life incredibly more difficult & overwhelming.  Stress for me is exhausting.  I'm still getting past  the 1st few days of this month.   But, hopefully, today will be good & this will be behind us.

I've got things to do, so this will be it for now.


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