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Friday, March 17, 2017

Utter Crap Proposal...

This newspaper article is a continuation of a post from a couple of days ago.  A new bill in California  would change a + person having without revealing their HIV status from a felony to a misdemeanor.   Not only would this include actual sexual intercourse, but also the donation of blood, plasma or semen.  

The proponents of this bill call the treatment of HIV to be antiquated & discriminatory.  They may be old, but I think the guidelines should stand.   I agree when they call it discriminatory.  These laws only concern HIV & should include any illness transmitted via bodily fluids. 

I'm so angry at these people.   They're willing to allow a person to be infected & only charge the knowing offender with a misdemeanor.  Also, it seems the only people fighting against this are Republicans.  Thanks a lot Democrats, you've just made me agree with Republicans because you've gone so bat-shit crazy liberal.  Just thanks ever so.

I hope this bill doesn't pass, but it probably will.  They say these laws are too hard on people living with HIV.  It makes them feel too stigmatized.  Really, I don't feel that way at all.  As a person living with HIV, it's my responsibility legally & ethically to be upfront about my status.  What's so hard about that?


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