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Monday, March 13, 2017

Article Anger...

I saw an article earlier & it pissed me off.  For several years, some researchers have been looking into & blaming cell phones for HIV transmission rates among mobile users.   They've blamed everything from hook-up apps, dating sites to sexting.  They target these things & cell phones for making access to sex easier.


What is hindering the fight against HIV is the lack of education & awareness regarding HIV & the risky behaviors that can lead to it.  That's on schools, politicians, religious figures & parents.  

Cell phone technology has actually aided in the fight against HIV.  They're used for texting med regimens reminders, appointments scheduling, support groups etc...  Smart phones are being used in medical monitoring & testing procedures, including HIV.   Sometimes, medical appointments in remote areas are being held over Facetime.

Stop blaming tech for people's behaviors.   Stop blaming cell phones for people having sex.  What's next, you blame cars because they drove somewhere for sex? 


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