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Friday, March 31, 2017

Lets Start This Again...

OK, lets get this going again.  I'm having to use eye ointment for the time being  & it does a serious fuzz job on my fine vision.  So this will be short. Sorry, but I can barely see it.

We went out this morning & got my temporary crown re-adhered.   It wasn't a perfect production but we got it done.   Got some food & then headed back home.

I have a follow up appointment with my doctor for this mid April.  I hope it goes well.   Good for news for appointments, in May I will be using telemedicine again. 

That's about all I have for now.


Thursday, March 30, 2017


The hospital experience was horrible.  The 1st night was hellish, because I felt like crap, I hate hospitals, & the bed was so awful it was actually painful.  The alleged wi-fi never worked & the TV was blurry.  I was poked & prodded the entire I was there,  I got zero sleep.  I'm covered in bruises from blood draws & IV's.  I was coughing so hard I hard my nosebled,  The coughing also put pressure on  my eyes.  That hurts.  It look ed like I got double black eyes.  All the meds were making me queasy  &  giving near unstopping diarrhea.   

I told the doctor I needed to go home & sleep.  He discharged me with even more diarrhea inducting antibiotics.   As soon as we got home, the temporary crown I had put on last week fell off.  I have to run over tomorrow & have to reset.

I'm exhausted, still sick, weak, annoyed.  


Should've Posted II...

Still hospitalized with pneumonia.

Should've Posted....

Hospitalized with pneumonia.

Monday, March 27, 2017

Still Bad Off...

I still feel pretty awful.   But, I did some research yesterday on things concerning night sweats.   Turns out, ibuprofen, acetaminophen, naproxen & aspirin can all lead to night sweats of just excessive sweating.   Just great.

I decided to forego the painkillers last night. I hurt pretty awfully, but I have any night sweats.  I still got hot, but not soaked.  I recently had to take ibuprofen at night for a small gout flare up.  I didn't bother me.  This must be a combination of that & what my body is going through right now.   I really hope so. I don't what I'll do I can't take any pain killers.


Sunday, March 26, 2017

Not Better...

This is the sickest I've been in quite a while..  I'm not sleeping & I feel horrible. I'm probably going to have to go to the doctor's this week.  I need to get over this crap.

My roomie is doing an overnighter with a friend.  I"m happy she's getting to something, besides watch me be ill.  Probably tired of hearing me cough & wheeze.

I managed to just enough food to take my meds.   I haven't been this repulsed by food since before I was diagnosed.  Absolutely everything sound/tastes gross, even chocolate.  I could stand to lose some weight but I have to take meds, so I have to eat something.

I hate the idea of going to the doctor over this, but it's not getting any better,  It actually seems to be getting worse.  I hate being sick.


Saturday, March 25, 2017

So Sorry, Still Sick...

I'm still sick.  I can't tell if I'm getting any better.  Every time I lay down, I either go into cold shakes or feverish sweats, usually followed by the other.   I'm not sleeping well & I'm exhausted.   Breathing is hard.  I keep waking up panting & dehydrated.  I was really hoping this would be gone by now.

Looking at the screen isn't all that comfortable right now, so this is it.


Friday, March 24, 2017

More Sick...

Apparently yesterday was just a lead up to this crap.  I'm glad my roomie reminded me to put some towels down last night.   I went to bed freezing & shaking piled in covers.   About 30 minutes later, the night sweats started & there was a combination of blazing & freezing.   It was an all night issue with temperature,

I was in pain a lot last night.  I'm in a lot this morning. I'm exhausted & dehydrated.   Swallowing has been difficult. 

I really don't want to waste what little energy I have to go see the doctor.  He'll either tell, it's whatever else has in the area & do nothing. Or worse, he'll give me antibiotics that will give me diarrhea & Ill still be sick.

I was supposed to go shopping today.  That isn't happening.  I doubt I'll do much of anything today.  Sitting down & standing back is major effort.  I was in bed for 11 hours & I still feel exhausted.


Thursday, March 23, 2017

Yet Again...

I've been dealing with rough allergies a lately. I've been around a lot of sick people at the store.  I had a small flare-up of gout yesterday.  My schedule was abruptly altered to accept an earlier dental appointment for a new crown.   Somewhere in the midst of all that & the drive over & back, I got seriously sick.  

Shortly after we got home, I was going down.  It got worse through the night.  I feels like a light weight flu, minus the vomiting.   The dentist used anesthesia I hadn't had before.  It could've been a reaction.  It could've been any  or all of that stuff I listed.  I was in bed way early & woke up fairly late.  I had chills & hot spells all night.

I'm tired & achy.  My throat is sore & my head's a bit woozy.  This is all I've got for now.  Maybe I'll feel better tomorrow.


Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Gotta Go...

Sorry for the super short post, but my dentist just called & move up my appointment to early this afternoon. 

More tomorrow.


Tuesday, March 21, 2017

To 11...

Allergies are bad today, according to they went to 11 & beyond.  It's the 1st day this year I've resorted to allergy meds.  They work, but come with a cost.   They dry me out to the point nosebleeds if I'm not careful & often when I am.  Still, I took them today.  My head was throbbing, nose stuffy & my eyes burning.   The trees are the main culprits, but there's also been a lot burning & winds.  Not a good combination, considering how little rain we've had.

That's it for now.


Monday, March 20, 2017


Happy Spring, Vernal Equinox, Ostara, Liberalia, etc...  Whatever you call, Spring is here & it's definitely in the air.  Along with a lot of other stuff making my nose twitch.  

It's a nice day.  We did our initial Spring yard work.  It'll be hauled off soon.  The little blue flowers are out in abundance.  

I try not to expect too much out things, but today has been a good day so far.


Sunday, March 19, 2017

Another Warm Day...

It's 80 F here already.  We'll be like this for a few days before it drops back down to more seasonable temps. It's nice to have the doors open, but I hope we get actual Spring & not just a straight jump into a dry, hot Summer.

Went shopping earlier.  I have some cooking to do today, but that's about it.  The trees have my nose twitching from their allergens.  Not bad, but annoying.

This is the last actual day of Winter.  Such as it was for us this year.  Still, it means the cold is heading North & the bugs are here to stay.  I heard night bugs last night.  Night bugs calling, birds chirping, lawn mowers droning & children screaming, it must be Spring.


Saturday, March 18, 2017

Doors Open...

It's warm & our doors are open.  We're apt to see some 80's this week.    It's almost to the point of washing & storing all the Winter wear.   Another week & the blankets & throws will be start  getting stowed for the season.  

Open doors & breezes always make me feel better.  I hate having to close up the house for heat or cold.   I prefer the lightness of open windows & doors.   Even if it does mean hearing some idiot addicted to mowing the lawn.  

I hope all is going well wherever you may be.


Friday, March 17, 2017

Utter Crap Proposal...

This newspaper article is a continuation of a post from a couple of days ago.  A new bill in California  would change a + person having without revealing their HIV status from a felony to a misdemeanor.   Not only would this include actual sexual intercourse, but also the donation of blood, plasma or semen.  

The proponents of this bill call the treatment of HIV to be antiquated & discriminatory.  They may be old, but I think the guidelines should stand.   I agree when they call it discriminatory.  These laws only concern HIV & should include any illness transmitted via bodily fluids. 

I'm so angry at these people.   They're willing to allow a person to be infected & only charge the knowing offender with a misdemeanor.  Also, it seems the only people fighting against this are Republicans.  Thanks a lot Democrats, you've just made me agree with Republicans because you've gone so bat-shit crazy liberal.  Just thanks ever so.

I hope this bill doesn't pass, but it probably will.  They say these laws are too hard on people living with HIV.  It makes them feel too stigmatized.  Really, I don't feel that way at all.  As a person living with HIV, it's my responsibility legally & ethically to be upfront about my status.  What's so hard about that?


Thursday, March 16, 2017

I See You...

According to this article, scientist took another step in the fight against HIV.  They may have found a way to mark hidden HIV reservoirs in the body.  If this is accurate, they can better tailor medical regimens  &/or other therapies.  

These hidden pools prevent an actual cure.  There have been other attempts to deal with them,   None have been without issue or actually targeted the exact locations of these reservoirs.

If this works out, it could be greatly alter the war on HIV.  Mind you,  this won't be a cure.  However, it could help in reaching a solution someday.


Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Take Some Responsibility...

Every so often I see an article or news cast about  someone being charged for having sex without revealing they're +.   OK, 1st off, I think the person should be charged for willingly endangering the life of another.  They did this for no other reason than they wanted to have sex.  

The non + is always presented as a victim.  I still hold they should've been told, but they aren't without culpability.  Unless forced, they could've demanded their partner use a condom.    Both parties hold some responsibility.  

Some say the omission of a person's HIV status is tantamount to having sex without consent.  I'm not going to split hairs on this issue.  When you have sex with a stranger or someone you barely know, what reason do you have to believe they're being up front about anything?   Let alone their HIV status?

Many of these victims met their their + partners on hook-up apps or dating sites.  Like the people those places are trustworthy.   Yes everyone on, Tinder & Grindr are being 100% honest about everything.  Half of the pics are fake.  Heard of catfishing?

I'm not trying to blame the victim here.  The + person should've revealed their status.  However, it's also your personal responsibility to protect yourself as much as possible.  Putting that responsibility on someone else, doesn't alleviate the fact you chose to have unsafe sex.



Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Still Adjusting...

Seems like everything is still adjusting to a lot.  The weather is still trying to get used to the idea of Spring, so it's chilly out.   We're still adjusting to the political fall-out of the election, people are all over the place on this 1.  Adjustments take time.

I'm still not fully adjusted to the return of this Daylight Saving Time B.S.  It takes a while to adapt to that lost hour & the changes in light.  It'll happen, probably not soon though.

We're still adjusting to not having Rhiannon in the house.  After 17 years, her absence is felt.  I still look for her & sometimes think about needing to check on her.   We will get used to it & I sort of hate that.  I hate that we adjust to things leaving our lives like we do.  I know it's what we have to do to move on, but still it sucks.  

Oh well, still a lot of adjusting to do.


Monday, March 13, 2017

Article Anger...

I saw an article earlier & it pissed me off.  For several years, some researchers have been looking into & blaming cell phones for HIV transmission rates among mobile users.   They've blamed everything from hook-up apps, dating sites to sexting.  They target these things & cell phones for making access to sex easier.


What is hindering the fight against HIV is the lack of education & awareness regarding HIV & the risky behaviors that can lead to it.  That's on schools, politicians, religious figures & parents.  

Cell phone technology has actually aided in the fight against HIV.  They're used for texting med regimens reminders, appointments scheduling, support groups etc...  Smart phones are being used in medical monitoring & testing procedures, including HIV.   Sometimes, medical appointments in remote areas are being held over Facetime.

Stop blaming tech for people's behaviors.   Stop blaming cell phones for people having sex.  What's next, you blame cars because they drove somewhere for sex? 


Sunday, March 12, 2017

It Should Be Illegal...

California is kicking around the idea of decriminalizing HIV.  They want to do away with the law requiring people with HIV to disclose their status before being sexually active with someone.  They want to undo this law because there are now drugs for treatment & because it's embarrassing/hard on the person living with HIV.  

Screw that.  It should be illegal to have sex with someone & not tell them beforehand you're +.   I'm so sorry it's hard on you to tell people you're +.  If you're not adult enough to have that conversation, you shouldn't be having sex.  

People are saying that undetectable = untransmittable.   That may be the case in many instances, even most.  But you can only be certain you're undetectable right after being tested.  Your numbers can always change.  That's why we have regular labs drawn.   Just because your levels were undetectable  4 weeks ago, doesn't mean you are now.

Grow up.  Be up from about your status.  If you can't, don't have sex.  It is that simple,


Saturday, March 11, 2017

More Chilly Drear...

It's back to being dismal & cold.  There's a big chance of rain today.  It looks like the overnight temps will be in the 30's until Wednesday & then by the weekend we could see an afternoon at 80.  Just yippie. 

A while back we got a shake from a drive-in & it did me in.  About an hour later, I was exhausted, achy & slightly feverish.  I though I'd get hit with a huge dose of MSG.   I decided not to get ice cream from that place again.  It happened again yesterday from a different restaurant.  Again, not quite an hour later & I'm going down. I'm exhausted, feverish & achy.   I still feel off this morning,  Again, I suspected MSG.

This morning I looked at the ingredient lists of the 2 places ice creams.  Neither contained MSG, but did have Tetrasodium Pyrophosphate.  It's pretty common in tooth paste, but you don't swallow that.   I had to look at other sites to find out about it.   I found this site, that lists some reactions to this chemical also known as TSPP.   Some people react immediately & can have gastric issues, sinus problems & hives.  People with delayed reactions seem to have symptoms more aligned with those I experienced.

Great something else to avoid.  I'd never even heard of TSPP being used in foodstuffs.  At least I have a possible answer for my reaction to these places shakes.


Friday, March 10, 2017


OK, I'm feeling a little off today.  We've been playing high-low with the temps & start-stop with the precipitation.   Since the beginning of March, there have been storms in the area, some of them severe.     There hasn't been a lot of rain with them, just a lot wind & a little hail.  The winds are blowing debris & allergens.  My sleep has been erratic due to the changing weather.  I'm kicking covers off only to pile them back on again.   We're going from the 70's down to overnights in the lower 30's again this weekend.  Oh Joy.  

What can I say, that's March in Oklahoma.  We could still get snow & it wouldn't be out of the ordinary.  I just hope we can avoid any serious weather & please no more power outages.


Thursday, March 9, 2017

Another Friday In March...

We're almost warm today.  It's still just a little too wet feeling to be called warm.  We're in for some cold mornings for the weekend.  Down in the 30's.   With the temps we've had, there's little concern over freezing.  It's just a matter of time before mowing starts.   The meteorological Spring is here, the actual Spring starts in 11 days.  

The little blue flowers are still in the yard. I'm too the point, they're a source of happiness for me.  I saw them again this morning.  I prefer the tiny little wild flowers that bloom and go to those planted with the sole purpose of being pretty.  

Things seemed to have calmed down for now.  I certainly hope so.  I need a break from the stress.


Wednesday, March 8, 2017


Lately. the news has been focused on healthcare again.  The republicans want to tear it to shreds & leave most people without anything.  I'm not sure what will happen.  I'm not even going to guess.  All I'm going to say on this matter, is that if you would take away a person's only means of staying healthy, or possibly alive,  then you aren't a good person.  No, you are a monster.  To be that vile & angry most be terrible.  Maybe someday soon a monster slayer will find you put you out of your misery, and ours.


Tuesday, March 7, 2017

On A Lighter Note...

According to this article, a Maryland pharmacist saw a need for a support group for people living with HIV in his county.   Hagerstown is a fair size city, about 40K not counting the surrounding area.   My area not having HIV support groups is annoying & can make things difficult. Still, it's a very rural area.  But some place the size of Hagerstown, Maryland is just weird.  It's within a couple of hours of Baltimore & DC.

This pharmacist became accredited as an HIV pharmacist.   He established a support group.  The man deserves recognition.  But so does the fact, that today in non-rural areas people living with HIV still have little to no support.  It's time we get past the stigma of HIV & make sure all those effected or impacted by the virus have the support & resources they need.


Monday, March 6, 2017

March Sucks Again...

I guess March just had to show me it was still an asshat.  I woke up to a a frozen over ice maker.  Then there was the cat's projectile puke.  On top of that there was a power blip followed by the cab;e & internet being down for almost 4 hours.  

It's not been a good day.  I have no idea how long the net will be up.  This is it for today.  

March sucks!


Sunday, March 5, 2017

A Whole Day...

I'm amazed, yesterday was the 1st day of the month that wasn't craptastic.  It was actually a nice day.  Today is looking to be the same.  I'm almost a afraid to write anything else for fear of jinxing it. 

We went shopping & other than being busy, it wasn't too bad.  It was a little tiring.   But, we're home now & I'm set for the day.

For those not chronically ill, it can be difficult to appreciate what the stress of such days  can do to a person.  The power outage & internet outage, just made my life incredibly more difficult & overwhelming.  Stress for me is exhausting.  I'm still getting past  the 1st few days of this month.   But, hopefully, today will be good & this will be behind us.

I've got things to do, so this will be it for now.


Saturday, March 4, 2017

So Far, So Good...

There hasn't been anything bad happen yet today.  Mind you, there's still time.  We'll probably be hit by a deluge caused by a freak tsunami that sent huge waves up the waterways.   Or, maybe it'll be a asteroid.  

No, so far, the internet is working, the power is on, the water seems to be working right, no broken teeth... Nothing has happened to darkened this day, except for my remaining stress from the previous days.  Actually,  it seems like a fairly nice day so far.  I hope it holds.

We got most of the bills handled yesterday.  There was shopping & then home stewing over the net.  Luckily, it got fixed.

I forgot to write about this earlier.  I called my specialist in Tulsa.  They still aren't certain about telemedicine.  I have call back towards the end of the month.

I'll try to be in better spirits tomorrow.


Friday, March 3, 2017

March Sucks...

I'm sorry, but this will be another short post.   My internet has been out for over 17 hours & I have no idea how long it will be up or if it will go back down.  I'm just getting caught up on as much as I can before anything happens to the net again.

March is seriously sucking.  On the 1st, we had storms that left us without power for about 18 hours.  The next day I had my dentist appointment & they told me I'd be needing another crown & filling.  2 of my back teeth have cracks.  Probably due to some of my earlier meds, the chewable Videx.  Those things were awful on teeth.  There goes a lot of $.  Later that day & into today, the internet was out.  

So far, March sucks.

Hope you're doing well.


Thursday, March 2, 2017

Another Short Post...

Sorry about this, but it's another short post.  I'm still tired as hell from yesterday.   I hate it when the power goes out.  It's usually just a few minutes, but still it's annoying. It was out over 17 hours yesterday.   I'm still trying to determine what stuff in my fridge may have died.  It didn't get opened & the house was cool, so there's a chance most of it survived .  What really pisses me off, is every time our power goes out for any length of time, it's always the same pole & transformer.   Can't they figure out why that 1 keeps going out & fix it?  

I've got to get around.  I've got a dentist appointment later. This is it for now.

Hope you doing better than me.


Wednesday, March 1, 2017


Hello March, so far you suck.  the 1st day & you gave me a power outage.  I still don't have power.  I'm on this blasted lap top at a friends.  This post is done.  I type for crap on this damn machine.  Get it together March or just fast forward to April.
