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Wednesday, December 31, 2014

New Year's Eve Day....

We're going out today.  We have no intention of being out with the partiers & merry-makers.   Still we want to go out & get something festive to eat & possibly to drink.  Our Eve's fest dinner will probably consist of Mexican & bottle of red wine a friend gave us for Christmas.   

I wish all of you a very festive holiday & may your new year be wondrous.  


Tuesday, December 30, 2014

No Good...

I'm not sure if it's the change in the weather, juniper trees dumping pollen, something I ate, stress from dealing with my pharmacy, but whatever it is, its left me feeling like crap this morning.   I'm exhausted, somewhat nauseous & dehydrated.   With any luck, this is a day thing & it'll be gone.  

Tomorrow is the last day of 2014.  I'm glad I don't have any plans.  I probably couldn't make them with the way I feel right now.   But, best wishes for all your New Year's Eve plans.


Monday, December 29, 2014


The drama continues between  my doctor, my pharmacy & myself.  Somewhere along the line another medication refill order has gone sideways.  Of course, everyone is blaming everyone else.  A lot of good that does me.  I'm still not sure what's going on with it.  I'm distracted wondering when this is going to get resolved.  Hopefully, this will be handled today.


Sunday, December 28, 2014

Chilly Ending...

We've stayed a bit warmer than normal here the last week.  Last night was the 1st time in days, we left a stove on & the water dripping.  Now, it looks like we're ending the year with a bit of a chill.  We're expecting some nights in the 20's F.  We've already hit those in November, but December has stayed fairly warm.   A little too warm, my yard looks like it needs mowing.  That is not going to happen.  

We're really just into Winter, so what the season will be like is still up in the air.  Hopefully, it'll be cold enough to kill off the bugs & grass.  But not so cold to be a major issue with ice & the like.

Stay safe & warm, or cool depending on where you're at.


Saturday, December 27, 2014

Last Saturday...

This is the last Saturday of December  2014.  We're on the way out of this year.  Only 4 days left & then it's no more 2014.  I wish I could be a little more regretful of that, but I'm not.  I'm ready for this ride to end.  There's no promise 2015 will be any better, but it might be. 

I hope whatever you have left to do in this year gets done in a fashion you can live with.  I hope your holidays have gone well.  May your ending be pleasant as we head into the new year.


Friday, December 26, 2014


This article discusses how the India based Lupin company just received approval from the USFDA to produce a generic form of the drug Epivir.   This news impacts me, I take the generic form known as Lamivudine.  I'm not sure what this will mean for me, if anything.

On another note, I waited all day Christmas Eve for my meds to arrive.  They didn't.  I couldn't call the pharmacy until today.  They failed to tell me they needed refills.  Something I could've handled when they called when they made the order.  My doctor is out until Monday.  I might have my order in a week or so.  Luckily I wasn't low on anything.   CVS Caremark is back to sucking.

Well, it's December 26th & I'm exhausted.  I've had all the holidays I can stand.   I've had my fill of December & 2014.   For now, I'm staying inside & doing as little as possible.   Have a good ending to the year.


Thursday, December 25, 2014


We're heading out for our household celebration.   We plan on seeing a  movie & then grabbing a bite to eat at wherever happens to be open.   I hope everyone has a good holiday.


Wednesday, December 24, 2014


Today is my roomie's birthday & Christmas Eve.  Yes, I gave her top billing.  I'm not going to say much today, except for I hope everyone has a good holiday whatever it may be.   Be safe & happy.


Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Next To Last...

This is the nest to last week of 2014.  It is the next to last Tuesday of December.   We're on the way out with only 8 days left in this year.   

To that I say yippie!  Get out of here 2014, you're weren't fun.  I know things could've been worse, but damn they could've been so much better.  All too often 2014 was a crapstorm for us.  

There's no promise 2015 will be any better, but my fingers are crossed.  Tomorrow is my roomie's birthday & oh yeah the eve of that holiday.  Then it's Christmas.   After that, it's just a long countdown to the flames of 2014 are snuffed out forever.  I should be sad or nostalgic about that, but I'm not.


Monday, December 22, 2014

Good Day...

Finally, we need a good day.  The plumbers got here to look  at our heater.  The pilot wouldn't stay lit.  We got a hold of him this morning & he was able to come by soon after.  I'm amazed he wasn't already booked.

He got there & we were resigned to the idea of replacing the stove.  All he had to do was take it a part & give a really good cleaning.  Apparently some of the "smart" parts had gotten clogged with dust or fuzz.  Anyway he fixed it.  It was a pretty cheap fix too, which was good with the way we've been spending these last couple of weeks.

Its a good day for us.  I hope it is for you as well.   Happy Holidays.


Sunday, December 21, 2014

Happy Solstice...

No griping today.  Not much of anything, except to wish everyone a very Festive Solstice.  May your days get brighter.


Saturday, December 20, 2014

Pile It On...

Just to add more to the list, it seems 1 of our heaters is going out on us.  It doesn't want to stay lit.  Just another crap thing to happen in December.  They should rename this month to Crapfestiva.   I'm reasonably certain, I've never had a good December from start to finish.  

Hopefully, its just a part & not the whole system.  I also hope, the part is easily found.  I really don't know why I hope for anything anymore, its all too rare my hopes pan out for anything. 

I'm tired & stressed.  I'm sick of December.  I've had my fill of 2014.  I seriously doubt 2015 will be any better.  I need something to change for the better.  I'm just not sure how to make that happen anymore.

I hope everyone's holidays are going well.  The holiday aspect of this month is actually going well.  Its just everything else that sucks.


Friday, December 19, 2014

Every Day...

Nearly Every day I read something that proves to me the stigma against people with HIV rages.  I've accepted most people are simply self-interested, bigots who are willing to do their worst to the people who can least handle it.

I read about people fearing for their jobs, their safety, their ability to even find food or shelter.  That's in the USA,   That's in my area.  I read about charities abroad being forced to leave their communities & take the  + people they're helping with them, because of fearful, nasty people. I've read about Britain's longest HIV survivor & activist finally having to leave his home because of all the hate.  That was England, not some backwoods country.  I just read about a young boy in China, whose village is forming a petition to have him put into isolation for the sake of the villagers.  Even the grandparents of this 8 year old boy signed the petition against him.  

Don't try to tell me there are enough good people out there trying to help people to balance this out.  Because there aren't.  I wish nothing but the worse on those who would target the sick, the poor & the weak,  A pox on them & theirs.  May they be put into a situation they can't handle, that they fear & let there be nothing but animosity awaiting them.   Let them face the wrath of stupid, fearful  & hateful people.  

I know I'm being so Christmasy, right.  This may be the season for giving, but I'm not in  a charitable mood.  I've dealt with too much this year & constantly reading this crap about cowards going after + people just pisses me off.  Its been  30+ years, get the hell over it or drop dead already. 

Imagine being a small boy who contracted HIV from his mother whose village has turned on him.  A boy who's never had anyone to play with.  A boy who's own grandparents signed a petition to have him removed.   Just imagine his life, his fears, his needs, his confusion.  The fear of those adult villagers is just ludicrous in comparison.   I wish the boy the best, but let his village burn. 


Thursday, December 18, 2014

Gotta Get...

I already had plans for today & then they got complicated.  My dentist office called yesterday & told me they had an opening.  I could get this tooth repair underway now instead of waiting until the 30th.  This would bunch things up, but I figured if I didn't take it, the temporary fix wouldn't hold & I'd be screwed,

So, I have to go bath.  Then fix breakfast.  Then drive to the mailbox & from there to Fort Smith,   Then we'll hit the dentist, do some shopping, pay a bill, get something to eat... I think that's it, but the movie is between 2 - 3  hours, so there's quite a big chunk.  I'd like to be out of there before it's too late & the traffic gets heavy.  So, no more time, I've got to go.


Wednesday, December 17, 2014


My roomie is trepidatious today.  She's worried about a possible bad outcome of her day's trip.   She's on her way to see her specialist.  When going to a doctor such as this, there's always a sense  something could go wrong, unforeseen consequences or relapse.  More treatment could be required.  

I hope she doesn't feel silly being weary of this appointment.  I'm cagey every time I have to go see my specialist.  I don't have any reason to believe anything is going to go wrong, but its always a possibility.  I don't really catch my breath until the appointment is behind me.  

Being weary of things with potentially poor outcomes is natural.  Maybe there isn't anything you can do about it.  Maybe you shouldn't worry about things beyond your control, but most likely you will.  I'm not saying to wallow in it.  I'm saying, if you have a reason to feel this way, then feel it, accept it & try to find a way to deal with it.  

The last thing you need when you're worried, is for someone to tell you not to worry.  If it was that easy, you'd already be over it.  It's part of how we get by in life.

I'm not sure how her appointment will turn out.  I hope it goes well.  If not we'll handle it the best we can.  I say we, when really its mostly her.  This isn't my illness.  It's strange how so many people try co-op other's health & their crisis as their own.  This isn't mine.  I'm impacted by it, but I'm not living it.  

Here's hoping for a good trip & good news.


Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Smoking & HIV...

This article details how smoking can amplify & even double some risk in HIV patients.  Some of the possibilities are cancer & death.  Most of you have probably heard something like this in other articles.

This is a good article. I think you should probably quit smoking for your own well being, especially your wallet's well being.  But, the point here is something else.  

Smoking is just 1 factor that can impact the health of + people.  There are others such as weight issues, previously existing  health matters or lifestyle choices.  Excess drinking, hard partying, sleep deprivation can all impact your health & especially if you're chronically ill or on certain medications. 

With HIV, you have to evaluate every aspect of your life.  Is this or that helping or harming my treatment regimen/health?  Is this symptom part of HIV, the meds, something else or all the above? 

You have to get to know your state of well being.  What will & will not impact you & in what manner if it  does.  HIV isn't alone in this situation.  People with diabetes & those who suffer from many other chronic illnesses have to worry about this as well.  

Again, this article is important on it's own, but its just a reminder that when you have HIV, everything counts.  Anything can affect your health.  Your health is your responsibility.  Its up to you to protect yourself.


Monday, December 15, 2014

Bring On The Busy...

This is the beginning of the busiest time of the year.  At least for my roomie & me.  We have a lot to do this week.  Well, mostly she does.  

There's some shopping, errand running, visits, early holiday gatherings & a doctor's appointment.   That's a lot for us during any given month, let alone a week.

I hope the weather holds & everyone stays in good spirits.  We don't need any foulness this week.  I hope everyone's holidays are shaping up nicely.


Sunday, December 14, 2014

Forum Over Biggest Challenge...

I'm not going to talk on this 1 much.  Today, I'm posting a like POZ's forum.  The topic was, "What is the biggest personal challenge for you facing your HIV status?"  The forum is here.  I've talked a lot about my challenges.  Maybe it'd help to let you see others post on theirs.  


Saturday, December 13, 2014

It's Saturday Again...

It's Saturday & the previous week wasn't great.  The upcoming week looks to be pretty busy with plans & appointments for both of us.   This hasn't been a great holiday season so far.   For once, it has little to with my less than thrilled attitude towards the season.   This month has been trying at best.

Luckily, we're a third of the way through December.  I really hope we can leave a lot of this crap in 2014.  I always hope for this, but it seldom works out my way.  Sort of crazy I guess.  Still, it'd be nice if the crap fest could back off for a while.

Another 18 days & this year will be out of here. Have a good holiday season everyone.


Friday, December 12, 2014

Another Drizzly Day...

It's drizzling outside today.  It was supposed to rain, but it won't pour or shine.  No, it just drizzles.  I don't like non committal precipitation like this.  Do it or don't.

I'm doing a little better today.  We went shopping.  Neither of us have been in that great of of a mood since Tuesday.  We'll get past this, but still this week has seriously brought out the suck.

I know things could be worse.  However, December, you've failed in the not sucking department.  So, let's just get through this month & be done with it.   I'm ready for December to be in my rear-view mirror.

There's 12 days until my roomie's birthday, another day for Christmas & 19 left in the year. Which means less than a week until we see the Hobbit conclusion. It's going to be busy, busy, busy with all that & a dentist appointment in the mix.


Thursday, December 11, 2014

Don't Want To Talk Right Now...

I hate this time of year, it always, repeat always, finds a way to screw me.  From the 1st sign of chilly nights until we're warming up again in May is a dangerous time for me.  I start having stress dreams about $$$ & resources.   You know what?  Something always happens to justify that stress. Can't we just skip the damn holiday season?  Seriously, it sucks!  From cars to medical to computers, something always goes wrong.  

The car repairs were more than I'd thought they'd be.  Now, not only am I not done with the dentist like I thought, I need another crown.  Just F'ing yippie!  There goes another $400 - 500.  Resources that had been set aside to fix the van's issues with the AC.  We lucked out this Summer, it wasn't that hot.  But, what about next Summer, will it be as cool?

After all this, sometime before April, I'll need $ for insurance & AAA (No, AAA is not a luxury item).   Then the damn social workers will be climbing up in our business, for their annual embarrass the crap out of you, annual review.

So, yes, I hate this time of year.  Sorry, I'm ranting, but I that's all I can handle right now.   The dentistry issues most likely have a lot to do with being + & being on HIV meds.  Both of those can be detrimental to your teeth.  Try to see a dentist as often as possible.


Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Early Post...

I'm doing this post early, because I'll be busy tomorrow.  Tuesday started out well, but it didn't last.  My roomie got a flat tire.  No big deal, then we changed the tire & the spare is flat as well.   The mechanic came  took the car.  It needs  2 new tires & an oil change, there's some $$$.

I got some unhappy news about a internet site I frequent.  I don't know if it's situation is permanent or not.  I hope it isn't. 

Later, just after eating chicken & dumplings for dinner, I somehow break a tooth.   I don't know if a filling fell out or if it's yet another tooth affected by HIV.  I've had this happen once before,  The tooth simply softened & broke.  I was just at the damned dentist office.  I called him & he told me to call in the morning to set up an immediate appointment.   I don't know when that will be.

Tomorrow isn't looking fun.  Tomorrow is disrupting my schedule.  Tomorrow is looking expensive.  So far, I'm not liking tomorrow.  Hope you're having a better day.  


Foggy Tuesday ...

It's finally starting to let up, but this morning has been a foggy mess.  There are times when fog is a neat weather phenomenon.   I don't appreciate the atmospheric blur during the Winter though.  Fog is nothing but a soppy cloud to heavy to to soar.  

During the cold season that just means that moisture is down here with us.   That wetness covers everything & seeps into you, chilling you down to the bone.  I can appreciate a nice morning fog while still in September or October, but they've overstayed their welcome if they're still here in December or beyond.  

This kind of weather just aggravates my health situation.  It adds to aches & pains,  It irritates my sinuses,  It needs to go.

The sun is finally starting to shine.  Hopefully it'll burn this fog away quickly.  I'd like a bright day for the 1st time in over a week,  

Here's hoping for nice, sunny weather where ever you may be.  


Monday, December 8, 2014

A 15 Year Anniversary...

I'm not sure of the exact day in December, but somewhere about this time in 1999, I did something for the last time.   At that point, I smoked my last cigarette.  It's been 15 years since I've smoked.  

This came from an article at the CDC site.   I'm at the last point they mention.  You can see more about this topic in the article.  

15 years & not a cigarette.Yeah for me.  Too bad it took being at death's door sick right before I was diagnosed with HIV to quit.   But, at least I did.


Sunday, December 7, 2014

1st Sunday, 3 Left...

Today is the end of the 1st week of the last month of 2014.  There are only 3 more Sundays this year.  It's always weird for me to think of things that way.  That 2014 will soon no longer be the present,  It will no longer be a thing at all, just a memory.

Other than feeling under the  weather, this has been a good week.  Nothing has been too much of a hassle. So, it's  a keeper.

The mice  have returned.  They've been setting off the traps.  Yucky business.

I've been posting past Christmas specials to my Facebook page.  I did a lot of music last year.  I decided to change  it a bit & go with these shows from my childhood.  Most of them were better than what they show today.

I hope everyone's 1st week of December went well.


Saturday, December 6, 2014

Yesterday & Today...

Yesterday was a bit rushed for me.  I had errands to do & a trip over to Fort Smith to pick up my roomie.  All the while, it drizzled, only occasionally getting to a moderate rain.  It was dismal & foggy, but at the same time muggy.  There was nothing pleasant about it. 

But it's done.  My roomie got time with her friend & the new baby.  We finished up holiday shopping.  Plans for said holidays were solidified.    We accomplished what needed to be done.

Too bad, my neck was killing me the whole day.  Its only somewhat better today.  This weather & everything still have me feeling like crap.   I seriously need a good day.

I hate high humidity.  In the Summer, it puts you in a sticky boil.  In the Winter, it makes the cold cut to the bone.  

I know there are articles that need discussing.  But right now, I don't have the focus to deal with them.  Sorry, but I'm just too spent to give much of a damn about anything right now.


Friday, December 5, 2014

Going Out Later...

I have errands to run later & I have to pick up my roomie.  I haven't felt well the last few days.  I'm  not sure if its the weather, my sinuses, my meds, HIV or a combo of any or all the above.  My digestion has been hellish & giving OMG get to the bathroom stomach issues.    

I think a lot of has to do with all the dismal weather we've been having.  This crap drains me quick.  It's  dreary again today & raining.   I'm no fan of grey skies.  

All of this is tiring.  The problem with it really is, the longer it goes the more tiring just be tired becomes.  That sounds weird, I know.  It gets really hard to get motivated to much of anything.

This wet, drear chill weather sucks.  Hopefully, we'll get some sun soon.  I need a pick me up & no house lamp is going to do it.   Maybe tomorrow or the next day.


Thursday, December 4, 2014

Another Busy Morning...

It's the 4th day of the month.  We've got the trash to the curb.  The bills are mostly paid & the errands ran.    The beginning of the month is always hectic for us.    There's groceries, bills, bank deposits, etc...  We'll be on the go tomorrow as well.  Luckily next week will slow down.  The week after will be busy again with  quite a few appointments & errands.  The following will the holiday week.  

December is going to fly.  Here's hoping for no turbulence.  


Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Health Coverage Info...

This may not be new, but it might help some.  This website, can help people start to understand the Affordable Care Act as it pertains to + people.   I'm not going to blog much on this.  It's better just to go see the interactive site.  It can answer a lot of questions about insurance options & how they vary from state to state.


Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Busy Morning...

I have to head out later for my dentist appointment.  With any luck this will be the last major work I need done for quite a while.   This stuff gets pricey even with dental insurance.

I still need to get cleaned up & fix breakfast.  My roomie has an appointment this morning.  After she gets back will head out for Fort Smith.

Yes, my dentist is in another town.  Yes, there are dentists in my town.  Some might even deal with my insurance better.  But, the dentist I have, has no problems dealing with a + patient.  I can't say I'd find the same here in town.  Not to mention, that'd be more people close to me who know my business. 

Gotta go.


Monday, December 1, 2014

December 1st - World AIDS Day...

Today is World AIDS Day.  Since 1987, December 1st  has been designated as a day to promote HIV awareness.  You can find out more about it at .   There a lot of things on line promoting this event.

I've talked about this concept before, the point at which you start treatment as a + person.    This article goes on about the subject in more detail.  The gist of the matter is the sooner an infected person starts treatment, the better they can expect their recovery to go.  I was very late in treatment & I'm not at all near what a person treated earlier could've been healthwise.

Finally, this is December 1st.  Hello December.  November was fairly pleasant to us, please try to be the same.  This is the holiday season, we don't need anything else adding drama.  Thanks.  2014, you're on the downhill slide of your reign,  I hope your time ends pleasantly.  
